(no subject)

Mar 22, 2007 23:09

I just finished the first season of "The Office", although that's not too hard to do seeing as it's only six episodes. I put some thoughts behind the cut for fellow fans on my FList.


*Steve Carell is just so funny. Ackwardly funny. His character, Michael, is just so painfully dumb. He's a loser and you can't help laughing at every stupid comment coming out of his mouth. He and Rainn Wilson, as Dwight, are soulmates in idiocy.

*Two favourite episodes: "The Birthday Party" one where they threw an early birthday for Meredith, just because Michael wanted to boost the office morale. I think I liked it so much because Jim and Dwight formed that secret alliance. lol. It resulted in Dwight hiding in a box in the warehouse, later dying his hair blond. Funniest thing ever. The other great episode was "Basketball" just because watching them cheat their way to victory was too entertaining.

*Love the whole Jim/Pam thing. They are really cute together. Seeing as Pam is engaged to Roy I don't know if anything will happen between the two of them yet, but I'll find out soon, I'm sure. I liked how in the final episode we see Pam get a little jealous when Jim asks Katie, the purse girl, out for drinks after work. Reminds me of a situation I was in once. Exactly. lol.

*I like every character in their own ways. Michael and Dwight for their stupidity, Jim and Pam for being so cute, Ryan for looking lost and confused at the idea that he has to work as a temp with these people, and the rest of the characters like Stanley, David, etc. just for looking bored.

Well, after six episodes I'm already hooked. I hope to pick up the second season sometime this weekend. :)

t.v. shows, steve carell, the office, season one, review

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