Sexy Fictional Characters

Dec 15, 2006 01:20

Two entries in one day. That's so rare for me, but I just had to do this meme when I came across it on the journal of kungxfucandy. I've done something similar about a year ago but I've become fans of some new shows/movies since then so my list changed ( Read more... )

paul newman, john corbett, hugh laurie, fictional characters, outlander, ewan mcgregor, james dean, michael c. hall, hot men, meme, harrison ford, brad pitt

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mozartfan1313 December 18 2006, 04:17:08 UTC
I forgot that you read "Outlander"! Have you read all of the novels in the series? She has one last one coming out sometime next year, I believe. I can't wait. I think that Jamie Fraser is my one and only fictional crush from a novel, but he's so well-written that even when I'm frustrated with his character I'd still want to jump his bones, if I was Claire. ;)

It's funny because I don't know what it is about Scottish accents, but they slay me. I love English, Aussie and Irish accents as well, but Scottish is just so much sexier. I think it's the way they roll their R's. lol.

I'm glad that you remembered to tell me about the Michael C. Hall lookalike. Lucky, lucky you! I know exactly what you mean about his eyes, too. Plus, I jsut finished looking at him because when I came home from work I watched an episode of "Six Feet Under", just for the hell of it. If his name ends up being Michael or David (or even Dexter, lol) that would be a crazy coincidence.

Yay, another Aidan supporter! I didn't know that you watched "Sex and the City"! I got into it two years ago and I literally couldn't stop watching the DVD's. I never hated Mr. Big, he just really, really wasn't my type of man, I guess.

Marlon Brando could make any character sexy. Have you ever seen him as Stanley in "A Streetcar Named Desire"? *swoons*

I look forward to seeing who you put on your list. :)


lea724 December 18 2006, 04:28:32 UTC
Have you read all of the novels in the series?

I sure have! And on her site, she says that there *might* be two more books out about Jamie and Claire, so I'm really looking forward to those (although I think that the first four were the best).

but Scottish is just so much sexier. I think it's the way they roll their R's. lol.

Lol! I have to say I completely agree. I'm currently on this Scottish accent phase and trying to find audiobooks with Scottish readers. So far I've only found two, but it's lovely listening to them.

If his name ends up being Michael or David (or even Dexter, lol) that would be a crazy coincidence.

Unfortunately, it's none of the above (his name is Dan), but at least he's still pretty to look at! :)

I didn't know that you watched "Sex and the City"!

I was a mild fan. I think it began when I was in high school, and we didn't get HBO at home, so it was only my sophomore year of college, when I finally got a TV in my dorm room, that I was able to watch any of the episodes, so I haven't seen all of them, I don't think. It was a fun show, though.

Have you ever seen him as Stanley in "A Streetcar Named Desire"? *swoons*

I haven't, actually, but I'll have to check that out! :)


mozartfan1313 December 18 2006, 04:34:09 UTC
When I met Diana Gabaldon at that author signing this summer she said that she might split her next Outlander novel in two because it was getting too long. If it means there will be one more than I originally thought, than I will be so happy. :) I like having someone on my FList to gush about these books with. I love the first three a lot, especially the second one because it's all about the Battle of Culloden, which always interested me.

I have a hard time listening to audiobooks but if there was a Scottish reader, I think I'd be able to handle it. When I was in Scotland in the summer of 2005 I almost melted every time a guy spoke to me. lol.


lea724 December 18 2006, 04:50:05 UTC
I still think that's so cool that you got to meet her. *jealous* I noticed on her website that she has done some podcasts. I need to download those and listen to her talk about her books. I bet they're interesting.

I remember when I read the second book, it was my least favorite, because it was way more political and military-like than I liked, but upon my subsequent readings of it, I tried really hard to pay attention to what was happening and who was on what side, etc. and I enjoyed it a lot more.

When I was in Scotland in the summer of 2005 I almost melted every time a guy spoke to me. lol.

Lol! That would totally be me. I just swoon when I hear that accent.


mozartfan1313 December 18 2006, 04:57:11 UTC
You definately should listen to her talk about the series. She's actually really funny and sarcastic when she wants to be. :)

I think the reason I loved the second one so much is for the exact reason you didn't like the first time around. I take history (and english) as a major in university so it was right up my ally.


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