Golden Globe Nominees 2006

Dec 14, 2006 16:02

The nominations were announced earlier today. There are some interesting choices this year, with a lot more focus on smaller, more independent films. There were some disappointments and some pleasant surprises. I'm not mentioning all the categories, just the ones that really interest me. :)


-The Departed
-Little Children
-The Queen

I wonder if this will actually be a good indicator of which five films will be chosen for Oscars. I've only seen two of these films so far, but now that I know they are all big Oscar contenders I will be sure to check out the other three as well. "The Queen" was an excellent film but my vote still goes to "The Departed" which I think is still, by far, the best film released so far this year. It's Martin Scorsese and an excellent cast in top form. I highly doubt any of the other three films listed that I haven't seen will come anywhere close to this gangster film.

Leonardo DiCaprio was nominated twice for "The Departed" and "Blood Diamond" (which I haven't yet seen). I'm happy he got recognition for "The Departed", though. He was absolutly spectacular and I think, in my opinion, it may have been his strongest performace since "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" back in 1993. I've always been so-so with him as a performer but in Scorsese's film he blew my mind.

Kate Winslet is up for "Little Children". I haven't seen it yet but she's one of my favourites and I think she's so under-appreciated that I just hope she wins. She's deserved it so many times through the years.

Brad Pitt has a nomination!!!! I really have to get off my ass and see "Babel" now. What kind of fan am I? I'm glad to see that he got recognition, though. Even if he doesn't win, this still makes me happy. Hands down, the biggest surprise nomination is Mark Wahlberg for "The Departed". Sure, he has a small role but he was always great at playing smartasses. Good for him. :)

"Borat" all the way! I can't remember ever having laughed this hard. This was definately a pleasant surprise nomination. Plus, Sacha Baron Cohen got a nomination as well, which is just the icing on the cake. Now all he needs to do is win both awards.


For some reason there was no love for "House" this year. And for some reason some people thought that the crappy "Grey's Anatomy" was more worthy. Gag.

I have two people in this category that I'm rooting for. First of all, there is Hugh Laurie who is just fantastic in "House". At least they made up for their omission of the show by nominating the main reason why people watch the show in the first place. He most likely won't win, because I think he won last year (correct me if I'm wrong) but the fact that he's still in the race is enough to make me happy. The second person up there that I'm cheering for is Michael C. Hall. I don't get the channel that shows "Dexter" but I've heard nothing but fantastic things about it. Plus, Hall never got any awards-love during any of his five incredible years on "Six Feet Under", so this should make up for it.

Give me some feedback, people. Happy/disappointed about certain nominations?

mark wahlberg, leonardo dicaprio, hugh laurie, the queen, house, kate winslet, golden globes, michael c. hall, sacha baron cohen, nominations, dexter, the departed, brad pitt, six feet under

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