Movie Quote Game results

May 22, 2006 16:03

Thanks to those of you who joined in the Movie Quotes Guessing Game. I thought that was really fun, so I think I will do it again in the near future.

Congrats to lea724 for getting the most answers right (a grand total of five correct guesses). I guess we share a similar taste in films. :)

Here are the six quotes that, unfortunatly, no one answered correctly:

1)"Life in a box is better than no life at all, I expect. You could at least lie there thinking, 'Well, at least I'm not dead'"-- Gary Oldman in ROSENCRANTZ AND GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD

2)"Oh Roger! What alliteration!"-- Roger Bart in THE PRODUCERS

3)"They're thieves! They're thieves! Filthy little thieves!"-- Gollum in THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS (are there no LOTR fans on my list? lol. I'm surprised no one got this one).

4)" a message from God"-- Paul Freeman in RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK

5)"Total fucking silence."-- Steve Buscemi in FARGO

6)"Who do you think are coming after us? Zee Germans?"-- Jason Statham in SNATCH

movie quiz results

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