
Jul 21, 2007 22:52

I just got back from watching Hairspray. I absolutly LOVED this film. It made me wish I'd seen it on stage while it was playing in Toronto a couple of years back. Hopefully this film will start a new wave of Hairspray-frenzy and it will return.

I love musicals. I love the way they make you feel and take away all of your problems. Adam Shankman did a fabulous job of directing the (second) film adaptation of the 1988 John Waters hit. The choreography was flawless and the music had incredible energy and a genuine 1960's feel.

Set in 1962, Tracy Turnblad dreams of going on the Corny Collins dance show, despite the attempts by many to inform her that she may be considered too overweight. However, nothing will stand in Tracy's way as she dreams her way to the top, while a second storyline about the segregation of black dancers on the show allows for Tracy to become a national hero when she supports their right to dance amongst the white community.

The cast is incredible, not a single person was miscast, which is rare. The standouts:

*Newcomer Nikki Blonsky is so perfect in the role of Tracy Turnblad. She's cute, talented and just all-around adorable.

*I don't care what the current popular opinion of John Travolta is, but the man can dance, the man can sing, the man has comic timing and he can pull off drag quite effectively as Tracy's mother, Edna.

*Christopher Walken is reliably brilliant as the meek, but supportive, Wilbur Turnblad, Tracy's father. Watching him dance and sing with Travolta made my day.

*Zac Efron is wonderful as Tracy's crush and star of the Corny Collins show, Link Larkin. He reminded me a lot of John Travolta's role as Danny Zuko in Grease. All suave attitude and good looks.

*James Marsden has a small, but memorable role, as t.v. personality Corny Collins. He has the whole 1960's era cheesiness down to perfection. And he can sing. I had no idea!

And the rest of the cast:
Michelle Pfeiffer is cold as ice as the t.v. shows producer, Velma Von Tussle, who will stop at nothing to ensure that her daughter, Amber, is once again crowned Miss Hairspray. Amanda Bynes is cute and bubbly as Tracy's best friend, Penny. Elijah Kelley is perfectly cast as Penny's love interest Seaweed, which causes a scandal due to their different races. Queen Latifah does a good job as Motormouth Maybelle.

Overall, the film was fun and fantastic. If you love musicals, you can't miss this one. Even if you don't, how could you not have a great time? I need to go buy the soundtrack.

FOUR AND A HALF STARS (out of five)

hairspray, john waters, queen latifah, musicals, movie review, michelle pfeiffer, james marsden, john travolta, nikki blonsky

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