Yeah. May aswell use this for something. So then, I like Alicia. Not the one I'm related to. The other one. Yes, that one. She seems to enjoy my company, but I'm not giving my hopes up. As I said in my MySpace Blog "I'm being optimistic and pessimistic at the same time here, and trying to assume it was a "Yay, I saw Jon and he smiled at me. Crap, I like Jon!" We'll see how it turns out." So, I'm assuming that A) Yes, she does like me but B) She doesn't want to. I'm merely doing that so if I find out that she doesn't like me, it won't be a very long fall.
As for the rest of my life....Wind Waker. Pretty much it. Oh, and drum line is going well. I'm done here, go home. -Jon
Edit:This too.