Oh where to start......
I've been a teenager for over two years now, and I guess it's about time I did something idiotic. Friday night, Kyle came over and he brought along Fight Night:Round 2, and sometime around midnight, we decided to hold our own boxing match. Two hours later, we finally stopped. Two hours later, we finally stopped. TWO HOURS LATER. I think you get the point. Thanks to my fighting style, I was left with horribley bruised arms. I tend to block and back off, and when I feel the time is right, I charge foward delivering blows to the stomach or chest. The next day, I was covered in welts, which have deflated to mere amplified bruises.
I wondered how long it would take a video game to make it into mainstream media without using blood and gore. That day is today, Sunday,Febuary 12, 2006. I was reading the Sunday comics, and I came across this issue of Luann. You only need to get to the second panel to understand what I'm talking about.
Now, I don't know if this is the first time the populace has been exposed to WoW, but it's certainly the first time my quaint little town has. -Jon