Aug 04, 2009 03:07
Some call it sadness, and some, depression. I asked one of my friends and she calls it emptiness. I don't know what it's called but it's that sickening feeling that despite having a nice time in the office, a good bunch of friends, a supportive family, something still isn't right.
I'm not sure. I guess I can call it frustration.
I miss the good old days when my friends are online most of the time, when blogging meant that someone's listening on the other side, when playing video games wasn't just to pass the time. Today's just like Tönnies' gesellschaften, and it's saddening.
I'm sorry if I'm on the verge of ranting. I just find it difficult to accept how easy it is for things and people to disappear just like that. I mean, come on, anyone would've noticed with just a few clues. I may be wrong but I'm guessing that the average tenure of relationships in general (i.e. encompassing all types, from the romantic, to the platonic, from the home to the workplace, et. al.) is shorter than before, especially in the metro.
I don't like it. I hate to get accustomed to it but it's a familiar feeling that haunts me every time.