(no subject)

Jan 09, 2005 10:51

Had a really cool day with my parents yesterday. Wasn't so much what we were doing together, just that we were enjoying each others' company. Conversation was good, and we were generally in good moods i think. Until anybody brought up A. Then you could actually see the mood change.

I dunno why A is segregating himself from us. He says he isn't but we all know it's not true. He locks himself in his room whenever he's home, is all moody when he does come out of the room, isn't interested in having meals together with the family anymore, makes plans without us every single saturday without exception... i mean i understand he feels the need to have a 'him day' once a week after a whole week of school, but it would be nice to have him along once in a while with the rest of the family on some saturdays at least. or at least if he made an effort to come down for dinner during the week, and actually contribute to the conversation instead of just eating as fast as he can and going back into his room again, the parents wouldn't feel so excluded from his life.

My mom has brilliantly solved the crib problem - a moses basket!! Apparently that's what all 3 of us slept in when we were born. In the same 1 in fact! My late grandmother just changed the fabric covering for each one of us. Z's was a turqoise and white floral squishy cotton fabric, A's had these cute cherries all over it. Err not very boy-like but hehe ahh well. I dunno what mine looked like though. Obviously! Haha. And we all had matching pillows. I remember Z being really attached to his for a really really REALLy long time. Ahh memories.
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