welcome to my clusterfuck.

May 23, 2005 12:17

today begins with a phone call from my mom. I have to be on a plane for new york within the week to go be with my family before my dad dies.
I've kinda been waiting for this but it doesn't make it any easier.
I may be gone for up to a month which will be hard on the cafe, especially since abby has had long scheduled plans to leave for Mexico
about a week after that. so we'll both be gone for most of june and there's no way to change any of it.
the two of us comprise half of the full owners of the collective and i'm really worried.
I get even more so after the call from the OLCC, telling us that they need eveidence of how we came to be th eowners and officers of the company or we
lose our licence. Gee thanks guys.
And shortly after, I get call from the de facto head of my other newly formed collective telling me that we may be sued by the crazy bitch daughter
of the woman whose house we just worked on. It turns out the house belongs to said daughter, who never communicated with us whatsoever.

It's all much more complicated than this, but it's barely noon and my world has just been fucked.
At least I still have my love... but I shall have to leave him behind while I journey home for this unhappy cause.

I need all the love you can spare. NY folks- I'll be seeing you shortly, I guess. It's an upside to a shitty twist of fate.
Please- be nice to your parents.

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