I have updated my resume last night. Well, there's nothing much to update with it, since I haven't been doing anything much but child rearing for the past 1.5yrs. I had also sent in an application for a PT job. Yeap, I'm looking for a job starting from last nite. Wish me luck or better still, if you came across any IT project management or Web Manager role, please let me know.
I relish changes. So I have to get out of the house and do something else, and also because I'm not doing much for myself being at home. Not to blame my boy, but most of my time is dedicated to him. The more I'm with him, the more I'm attached with him and naturally I don't get much me time. Going out with friends for meals or tea gives me a small thrill. Is that sad (for me) or what? (To my friends, I love going out with you no matter what hor) That's why I have to let go.
Letting go is not easy. See the pic for why.
David Cook Originally posted on