
Oct 25, 2006 01:12

It's 1:12 a.m. and I'm at my desk trying to finish a story I should have written earlier today but couldn't because I got stuck with a musicians' union story that ultimately went nowhere and didn't even get close to the real goings on because nobody would talk about it. Oh well ( Read more... )

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keyframe October 25 2006, 04:35:04 UTC
Good luck with your writing, and safe biking! It's a little damp out there, so be careful.

(Did you see Randy Travis the last time he was in Halifax? Like 17 years ago or something?)


moxieholic October 25 2006, 04:46:32 UTC
Thanks HH!

No, I did not have the pleasure.

And good memory! It was, in fact, 1989 (the summer, sound of a funky drummer) when he was here last.


jsangspar October 25 2006, 05:11:37 UTC
I have been listening to so much PE lately and that just blew my mind a little.

Mom used to listen to Randy Travis 24/7 when I was a kid. I probably haven't heard him since 1989 and it's a little freaky to think of his music now.


moxieholic October 25 2006, 07:02:21 UTC
Too bad PE and RT never worked together. They could have done a wicked remake of Diggin' Up Bones.

I realized the other day I have no PE on CD. The first three albums on LP, but that's it.

They're probably overdue for reissue anyway.


keyframe October 26 2006, 14:08:41 UTC
(I remember because I was there! Shhhh!)


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