May 11, 2005 09:03
AND I FEEL FINE! Ok really though I'm sitting at the Journalism Library working from 8:30-10:30. There is a fly in the library and it is driving me nuts. I have no other responsibilities today other than work. I don't get paid until next friday so I have no money and nothing to do. Yesterday Keith and I went out on griffy lake in a canoe. Comical I know. Luckily, or by the grace of God, we did not tip over and I did not fall in. I did get splashed by keith while paddling but he claims it was accidental. However, one thing that wasn't an accident was the horrible sunburn I got. Thats it, no more pseudo tanning, I just don't, its impossible. Today I sell back two more books and with that money I buy spf 30 sunscreen. I have to or I'm going to die from skin cancer before I'm 30. I'm already going to have horrible icky wrinkley skin by age 25. Not really, but it scares me to be this badly burnt. On a more comical note, keith's bald head is also burnt. :) poor keith. Ok spf 30 and some fake bake tanning lotion. No more out in the sun without sunscreen bs, its not safe. My skin soaked up so many UV rays yesterday I might as well have been tanning in a microwave. ICK! Ok so I've also figured out that I owe IU $105 dollars in parking fines, but I'm going to call as soon as the last one a $40 gets posted to the bursar and say that I never received that ticket and why would I because I have a valid pass etc etc. Hopefully they will then credit that one, because it really was a bogus ticket. Keith will give me $25 for his $40 ticket, I know he just forgot how much it was and I don't have the heart to tell him, so that leaves me with $40 because my other one was only $25. Ok, not as bad as the original $105, but still, parking ops sucks ass. The Library is so cold right now but on my burning skin it feels sooooo good. I have little pink goosebumps all over my purpleish red arms, awwww. Disgusting. Oh other newsfronts, I've decided I need to go back to eating healthy, I definitely took a turn for the worse last week and ate very disgustingly good fast food and junk food. I also drank a little too much. I think I have gained back at least 10 lbs. By my birthday I would like to lose that 10 and another 10 and be down to, ugh I know I'm posting this in a public LJ but people can see I'm fat everyday so knowing my exact weight won't change their opinion, I'm still fat one way or the other, so that will get me down to 170. So yes, right now I'm pretty sure I weight at least 185, if not 190. Talk about disgusting. I still fit in the 14's but I can tell I'm like one fast food week away from hitting the 18's again. Disgusting.