Jan 01, 2003 02:22
jesisa says "please bring alcohol.. i dont care who you are....please just bring it now.. brint it on "like the movie"... mo' money... more problems we see.. hey baby is that you? your hair's the same length.. i love it, always did..."
oh she starts singing emo music
"driving down! sto saint clair shroes you hair got so mother effing long and ill never foget about my mother effing tiffan'y necklace and andreas basement but then she turned it off.. but movie night tommorw never comes... like the guy who was jacking off in tim hortons.. IT WAS SO GROSS.
HEY BABY. wow.. i miss those cdays we used to spennnnd.
but then id get mad and we'd throw the ophone.."
HAHAHAHAH carrie took me and jessica to my huose and we're out of alchol but so fuckiiiiiiiied up... oh boy.
:)d i wake up1 i caLL YOU... ui put on that old song.
i head off to my job..
i guess not much has changed...
jessica's singing all this btw.
"thats what i'm doing thess dayss"