Jan 20, 2006 20:56
Well today was a pretty good day, despite the fact that Alex didnt show...what a buttcrack! LoL. But yeah..not too eventful. But after school was pretty fun. I went with brandizzle. and it was a blast. And it was great...okay. Bryan (being the dumbass he is) parks right beside brandi and she says "hey har, look who it is. It's your best friend." and i say "you know what...i'm going to quote mac on this one...'I'm over that part of my life....i'm over it.'" Then he went to drive off..and yeah...I flipped him off (I know it's immature..but it felt good) And so I turn to bran and say "yeah....I lied....I'm not over it...I flipped him off." and she laughed and was like "did he see?" and I think he did...not quite sure though...he probably got a rear view mirror shot though. LoL...good times, good times. Then bran and me went to the park and we whirled around on the merry-go-round. and we sang songs and made jokes. Then all of a sudden this little kid jumps out of a truck and runs towards the water and then he turns to a tree...and me and bran looked at each other and she says "did that kid just go pee...?" i nodded and said "umm....yeaaaah.....he's peeing." It was so funny....the bathrooms arent even that far away. then we got into a convo bout that....bout the whole how guys will pee on anything. They'll be at a convinient store and they'll piss on the side of the building...it's like, what's the point? So yeah..then we went to her house and talked and just laughed like crazy and we went to gurl. and yeah...It was quite amusing....pissed me off though...they deleted my frickin post....I'm gonna make another one. and yeah. bran used my account to comment on some of the stupid stuff that people said....yeah..I'm gonna get shot..via internet...LoL. Dont care though...i can make new accounts to piss everyone off...that's truly the whole reason that I made the account in the first place...that and the quizzes. LoL. Then I came home and ate some yummy deer meat. and yeah...watched movies with my mommy and now I'm here online. So as I said...not very eventful....but very amusing. LoL. Well I shall chat more later...at the moment I'm looking for new layouts for my LJ...it's time for a new look...I've had this one waaaayy too long. LoL.