Ok, verrrry sorry this is 2 days late!!! I was gonna post these on christmas and I forgot my computer when I went to my dads! Then yesterday we had a sleet/snow storm all day so I left my house once and decided not to go back out lol
So here are the christmas graphics gift!!! A few quick rules..
1. I would appreciate if you let me know when you've gotten your presents. Just so I know they actually got to everyone! Also, PLEASE let me know if anything is wrong or you would like something changed, I'm more than willing to do that :) 2. As usual, note in your comment if it is ok if other people use these icons!! If you want them to only be for you, thats totally fine :)
As a note, I'm currently working on a post that will probably be entirelly Half Blood Prince :P Like 100+ HBP icons :P And some Deathly Hallows trailer ones if someone ever posts good caps!!!