Information on the Living Circle Religion

Feb 13, 2010 13:01

Yanked from here.

The Living Circle is a nature-based religion. Temples include Winding Circle and others, usually with a "circle" theme, such as Wave Circle or Stone Circle temples. All the Circle temples are under the direction of the Mother Temple of the Living Circle.

The followers of the Living Circle don't believe in an afterlife, instead they believe that they will be reborn.

The gods of the Living Circle are based on the classical elements: fire, water, earth and air. They are as follows:

Shurri Firesword - Fire goddess of war, defense, law, justice, martial arts.
Hakkoi the Smith - Fire god of smiths, volcanoes, earthquakes.

Yanna Healtouch - Water goddess of healing and love.
Runog of the Deep - Water god of the oceans, rivers, and streams.

Mila of the Grain - Earth goddess of cultivated lands and crops, spinner and weaver.
Green Man - Earth god of vigorous, chaotic, sometimes destructive growth.

Asaia Bird-Winged - Air goddess of birds, intellect, achievement, learning.
Tuhengri Stormlord - Air god of storms, winds, weather.

Depending on the God/element a certain dedicate worships, he or she wears habits in green (Earth Dedicate), yellow (Air Dedicate), blue (Water Dedicate) or red (Fire Dedicate). Dedicates also trained in temple magic, so-called initiates, have black borders on their habits. Novices wear white robes.

[ooc], [information]

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