Jan 27, 2005 01:27
Your Senior Year of High School!
What Year Was It?
2001-2002 (seems like a lifetime ago)
What were your three favorite bands?
You know, I honestly can't recall...I was still a big showtune geek in high school as well...
What was your favorite outfit?
My senior year of high school was sort of a weird year for me...I wore a lot of Abercrombie shirts with random khakis...although there were alot of days I just showed up to school in PJ pants and a tee shirt...I was tired alot.. lol
What was up with your hair?
Going with Courtney's description...back then I had a "safe preppy" hair which I can see...it was very gelled up and combed straight and exact...
Who were your best friends?
Liz, Mary, Tiffany, Katy, Justin, Rachel
What did you do after school?
Oh geez, there was the Fall and Spring Play, the Spring Musical, Madrigals, Singing Knights, Intuition, Speech Team...I'm sure there is more I just can't think of them...
Where did you work?
Trust me...with all my activities there was no time for a job...
Did you take the bus?
My mom drove me :-)...I was a spolied brat...
Who did you have a crush on?
Senior year I think I went back to having a huge crush on Nick Matejcak again...although I don't think that crush went away all four years of high school...there was a small crush on Colin McDonald too, but definitely not as bad as what I had for Nick...
Did you fight with your parents?
Not really...My mom and I have always gotten along really well...my Dad and I fought, but nothing too bad...
Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?
Josh Hartnett...Dana and I were in love with him...
Did you smoke cigarettes?
Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?
I don't think I used my locker all year...
Did you have a 'clique'?
Liz, Mary, Justin, and I probably were the biggest clique...although there were the speechies too who I had one with...although I was sort of a clique hopper in high schoool lol....
Did you have "The Max", a hangout like Zach Kelly and Slater?
Not really that I can think of...
Admit it, were you popular?
Actually I ended up being popular my senior year which was really weird...I think it was partly because I was out and people admired that about me...plus I did so much in high school that everyone knew me from something...
Who did you want to be just like?
At that time, I think I admired Mr. Bultman a lot and wanted to be like him, although at that point I didn't think I had the talent to perform the rest of my life...Actually I didn't back then...but it grew after High School...
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I've always wanted to be a singer/actor...back then I considered politics and being a choir teacher, but acting was still my passion then...
Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?
I think I thought I'd be in college somewhere like NYU or Millikin majoring in some sort of back up plan and having the acting on the side...I didn't honestly think I'd be starting a professional acting career now with college more on the side...I like it though...