Yesterday afternoon I was innocently cleaning out in between my keyboard keys (don't ask) when Squall (the name of my computer--well, not its official name, because that's "allison." Yes, the name includes the period.) randomly decided to give me a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). It wasn't too tramatizing, as far as "your computer has had a random serious error" screens are, because although I had a writing file open, Word had Auto-Recovered it, and it wasn't as if I was in the middle of anything because I was cleaning between the keys. This has been the first BSOD that I've encountered in a while (though I think I've had them on this computer before). I remember my mum's old computer used to give me Blue, Maroon, and Grey Screens of Death all the time. Those were always fun.
There is dark chocolate in the house now. It is a very dangerous thing to have dark chocolate in the house because I will eat it in a very quick period of time. But it is oh-so-delicious. & it's the brand that I analyzed an ad for in English a few weeks ago (and for some reason, I haven't gotten that assignment back yet, now that I think about it). It also reminds me of a lj interests generator that I did a while ago, in which it analyzes your interests and suggests new interests for you. The first two of my suggestions? Chocolate and old books. It must have thought that I was Remus Lupin or something.
I wish I could draw, because then I would be able to do so much fun artwork with my characters. The only artwork I've done regarding my writings has been cover art for "The Power of Light," which actually wasn't half-bad because I'm somewhat decent at drawing people from behind (as long as their hands are clasped behind their back so I don't have to worry about fingers). But I wish I could draw actual scenes. And then I could have better images of my characters besides "Perrin looks kind of like Sirius in SBP except with a bit shorter hair and a more serious (no pun intended) expression" and "Julia looks kind of like Claire on season one of Lost" and then there are characters like Daria who I can picture perfectly in my head but don't really know how to describe them. So yeah. Anyone want to hire me an artist? Or give me Magic Artistical Abilities?
I have, however, given some of my major characters musical themes. These in particular happen to come from my collection of geek!music (aka pieces from Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games). Each character has two themes at the moment. I wish I had some sort of midi-mixing program so that I could combine them to make one somewhat unique theme.
- “
The Sight of Spira” (Final Fantasy X)
- “Rinoa’s Theme” (Final Fantasy VIII) - I can't get a link to this one, but I assure you that it is awesome
- “
Yuna’s Determination” (Final Fantasy X)
- “
Fragments of Memory” (Final Fantasy VIII)
- “
Tidus’s Theme” (Final Fantasy X)
- “Riku” (Kingdom Hearts II) - I can't get a link to this one, but I assure you that it is awesome
- “
Freya’s Theme” (Final Fantasy IX)
- “
Love Grows” (Final Fantasy VIII) - This doubles as the Perrin/Julia romantic theme. It's an instrumental version of the FFVIII ending theme "Eyes on Me," a song with in-game significance: it's written by a character named Julia, who wrote the song for the character named Laguna after spending a night with him.
- “
People of the Far North” (Final Fantasy X)
- “
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec” (Final Fantasy VIII)
- “
Yuna’s Theme” (Final Fantasy X)
- “
Lazy Afternoons” (Kingdom Hearts II)