a plague o' both your houses!

Apr 09, 2007 20:50

We watched some more of that weird modernized version of Romeo and Juliet in English today. But it had Sexy!Romeo, and the person who played Mercutio is the same guy who played Michael on Lost (and so it was kinda weird not having him yell "WAAAAAAAAAAALT!" all the time, because basically all Michael ever did was build a raft, yell his son's name, and kill a couple people). But I was very happy because after Romeo killed Tybalt, there was a clap of thunder and it started raining. I was all "ZOMG!" because in my latest draft of my Sari-killing-Siro scene (which I don't think I've revised since I went to Hawaii a year and a half ago) has a clap of thunder and rain right after Sari kills Siro.

I had some deja-vu today while reading OotP. I was reading the part when Harry is all angry at Bellatrix for killing Sirius and Bella is all "GIVE ME THE PROPHECY OR DIE!!" and then Bella is all "NO MASTER, DON'T PUNISH ME!" and Harry is all "Don't waste your breath. Voldemort can't hear you from here," and then he hears Voldemort say in a high, cold voice, "Can't I, Potter?" And so I was thinking, yeah that's pretty much one of the creepiest parts in the whole book and then I was like, "whoa, I've thought that before," and then I realized that a week or so ago I read that part and thought that. Yeah. I'm wicked cool.

I'm afraid for my geography grade because I put very little effort into the project and so now Mrs. Duprat will probably be all "ZOMG LAZINESS NO A FOR YOU!" And I have a geography test tomorrow during technology. Ick. That's wasting one good day of learning how to do computer crap.

I really need to upload a couple more quote-y userpics, as amusing as my Harry Potter one is.

Quote of the Day:

"O, I am Fortune's fool!"
--Romeo, from Romeo & Juliet

romeo & juliet, harry potter

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