Are there any clever titles left for first posts?

Feb 08, 2010 14:11

Is it possible to ever be anonymous in this world of internet literacy? I'm on several dozen pages with similar email addresses, user IDs, screennames, and other identifying features, all easily linked to my real-life identity. But we all need our own space, don't we? And with the crowded place I live in, cramped into a one-room apartment with my disabled husband and our three cats, online is where I must find my refuge. Hopefully I can keep this account unconnected with my RL identity. Maybe for longer than I did my last one, and perhaps thus keep my sanity.

I'm looking for friends on here. People who are literate, who know the difference between talking out of one's ass and engaging in thoughtful conversation. People who like to read, not just "watch the movie." People who noticed that Avatar wasn't really about the plot, but about the setting and themes. People who maybe know what postmodernism is and how it manifests in, for example, Neil Gaiman. Maybe some people who speak languages other than English.

I'm a graduate student at a big university, about to start the dissertation stage of my degree. And now I have to think about what I tell you, because my topic is pretty narrow, and the few people who know anything about my field would probably instantly recognize me if I said anything in detail.

I'm deeply troubled: overweight with eating problems, married to a disabled, depressed man who, though capable of being independent, seems desperate not to lose me. I have too many interests that it's hard to say no to projects that present themselves, so I wind up overbooked and stressed out.

When I post problems here, I don't want sympathy, or pity, or "*hugs*" or smiley-faces. I appreciate advice and ideas. "Did you try..." or "You might feel better if..." Ways to take action. I think a lot about myself and my life, and in fact have several pages of introspective journaling on the problems in my life and how I want to go about solving them. I just need a few more brains to help me come up with solutions that don't involve getting a divorce or a trial separation, because that's simply not an option for me.

Anyway. Nice to meet you!

the red thread of fate, alexandra the academic, the hardest thing i've ever done

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