Feb 26, 2010 09:13
The good stuff
- I've lost 1.5 pounds in the last two weeks and haven't massively changed my eating habits, only made myself more aware of what I eat, and that having treats and snacks is OK, within moderation. This is extremely exciting.
- I have two paying cello gigs, one this week and one next.
- I have no obligations today until about 3pm.
- I have no obligations WHATSOEVER this weekend.
- My allergies seem to finally be responding to the allergy shots
The not-so-good stuff:
- Cried a lot during therapy yesterday (not the physio kind, which is usually great). Seems I have a really negative self-image, and I can't seem to separate "I want to be the best at what I do" and "How do I compare with other people" and "I'm a lazy slob who has so much potential." My therapist wonders how much the "you have so much potential!" comments I always got as a child (usually paired with "if you'd only work harder"/"you're just lazy" often said very kindly) has influenced me. I don't feel like I work terribly hard, and I feel that if I let up on myself, if I don't ever aim higher than what I'm already doing, I'm doomed to mediocrity.
- I have a major thing about mediocrity. Average, being normal, being nothing special. The very thought of it strikes fear into my heart.
- The pathetic: I've realized, and come to accept, that my goal in life is to be respected. That seems pretty sad. And doomed to failure.
The other stuff
- I'm hungry. I should make coffee and breakfast.
- I'm amazed I lost any weight eating mcdonald's and cake and panda express and whatever junk I wanted, without hugely restricting my calories or setting foot in a gym!
- I hate gyms.
- I love my cats, they're so cute. I've usually had one or two, sometimes all three, on the bed with me at night.
- I'm so relieved that my job as a TA is "tech support" rather than trying to get 60 undergrads engaged with material they're not terribly interested in. At least next quarter I'm not doing a GE class that students are taking because they need it, but because they want it
- Why do people recall books just when I need them?
- My husband comes back on Monday night. It'll be a true test of his influence on me to see what happens to my eating habits when he comes back. We might have to have a "talk."
- I finally told the therapist that I'm not ready to break up with my husband -- she seems to think he's one of the fundamental things making me deeply unhappy, which might be true but I simply don't know because things are great when he's happy -- and she accepted it and we moved on to other things.
- ... Okay, after writing all of that I really am terribly hungry. English muffin, egg, and some breakfast ham. Homemade eggamuffin! And some tangerines, and some coffee. YUM.
the red thread of fate,
alexandra the academic,
the hardest thing i've ever done,