
Sep 16, 2009 17:19

It's amazing how many examples of that we've been served up this week and from such prominent people. Serena Williams threatened a line judge and never really apologized. Kanye West (a douche bag if I've ever seen one, come to think of it, he was on my grandmother's closet shelf one time) stealing Taylor Swift's thunder at the VMAs. (Yes they still have those, some people even watch them.) The people who thought that Miss Swift didn't thank Beyonce enough for kindness shown at VMAs. You have Jimmy Carter going on the record on national television to say that everyone who dissents and disagrees with the current president is a racist. Well done Jimmy, well done. Not only have you made a mockery of the first amendment rights enjoyed by every citizen of The United States, but you have also made a mockery of the very complex issue of racism. Particularly since most people simply hate all people that are not in their immediate sphere of familiarity. That's not racixm, that's evolution. No one has any sane reason to simply be ok and accepting of an outsider, regardless of whether or not they share the same skin color, because deep down we are all still territorial and inclined to protect ourselves, our family, and our possesions from any threat be it real or percieved. I wonder at our former president. Does he truely believe all of the ridiculous things that he allows to escae his lips, or is he simply saying things in order to be either pooular or provocative? I will be the first to commend all of the wonderful things he's done since his presidency in terms of charity and good works, Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful project. I believe his motivations to be based on his belief that he's doing a good thing. He wants to help people, I endorse that, but who does it help to call half the population racisit simply because they disagree with the president's current agenda? Who does it help to undermine the voices of a population who believe in standing up and speaking out about their beliefs? Yes, you saw the "Old South", I didn't, but we've obviously come along way if racisim and Jim Crow can now be used as a trump card. Obviously, we still have a long way to go.
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