Day 3 and day 4

Oct 17, 2007 07:53

Day 3: Checked out of the hotel in San Diego. Stopped at Cardiff-By-The-Sea, which is a great little beach... got lunch at the Irvine Spectrum in Irvine, then saw a Ducks vs Red Wings game at night in Anaheim.

Day 4: I needed a jacket, so we went to Fashion Island in Newport and I got one at the Original Penguin store. It was $98 marked down to $52. Holla! Then we went to Huntington Beach (Surf City USA), and visited the world famous Huntington Beach Pier, and bought the most incredibly tacky 1980s California postcards you can imagine. Some of you may be getting these in the next few days. We also narrowly avoided exploding in a gas leak. Adventures abound in California!

Today, we leave the OC behind for the City of Angels where we will be until Saturday. Commence celebrity stalking!
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