If it's Wednesday, this must be House nattering

Mar 30, 2005 07:46

* Wilson. Rolled up sleeves...forearms...wrist watch..."unique talents"...forearms... I'm sorry, was there something else in the episode?

* Vogler. I'm not sure what to make of him. On the one hand, he seems the worst businessman ever, obviously not having any idea of how to handle people or make an operation actually run well. On the other...

He's never been presented as a good businessman. In "Control," he talks about how he made his first batch of money by investing in a friend's business. Then after that all he talks about is how he took over businesses until someone tried to take over his. If he made his money just through takeovers and sell-offs, he wouldn't ever have to know how to handle people. And this pissing contest he's got going on with, well, everyone, would make a lot more sense to me. Because no way is this going to get the hospital to make money or find the cure for anything. It's just going to leave it empty of any good people and Vogler secure in the gigantitude of his own penis.

* I am the green-eyed child of two brown-eyed people, and trust me, if you'd ever met my mother (and some of you have), you'd know that sex parties and one night stands are not quite her thing. House, apparently, sucks at genetics.

* Chase. Chase, Chase, Chase. I've got mixed feelings about him, too. Okay, the most prominent one is wanting to hit him really hard in the head with a rock. On the other hand, I'm wondering if part of his assholeness towards the others isn't partly him trying to emulate his perception of how House acts. If House sees him as a kindred spirit, then he won't fire him, right? As for the reveal that he really was the informant for Vogler... Hold on a minute, man, let me grab that rock.

* Cameron. I did the happy-dance-of-Cameron-getting-a-backbone at one point, but then it all turned to mush when she tried to turn it back around to House having feelings for her. And I really don't think they're headed in that direction, and not just because House is, of course, a misanthrope. Does he like her? Yes, but not in the way she wants him to. Would he ever tell her? What's the temperature in hell again?

I like that Cameron does have a backbone now and then, though. But it really takes completely backing her against the wall before she'll show it. I'm wondering if that's not one of the reasons House needles her like he does. He's trying to goad her into making it a permanent thing. (Which kind of makes House out to be more noble than he might actually be. I can go either way on that. *g*)

* Foreman. At the moment, you, my long-lashed wonder, are the only one of the Irregulars I don't want to slap around. Keep up the good work.

* One of my kinks (aside from forearms) is the whole "watch my actions, don't listen to my words" form of characterization. It's a thing. Which is fed every week by this show, which seems to keep going back to the theme of "It's not what people say, it's what they do." House is an asshole, he's cranky, he doesn't like people. Except when he does. He's willing to take the pay cut along with the irregulars just to keep them all (even Chase, who he's obviously pretty clear on being the rat), something he would never admit to outside of that room, and I can almost guarantee would never have told anyone (except, possibly, Wilson, but I'm not sure) if the offer had been accepted. He's desperately trying to avoid giving a 10-year-old a mastectomy, despite outwardly not caring about patients. And willing to totally ambush a woman to get her to have an operation she clearly doesn't want, for whatever reason.

Would I want to have him as my doctor? Not a chance. But I love him as a totally fucked up character. I shall keep him in my heart right next to Keller, the serial killing sociopath in love with his cellmate; Avon, not-so-well-balanced computer geek who kills his best friend; and Roger Lococco, ex-assassin who emotionally tortured a mentally ill woman. I love me some messed up men.
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