So, this is going to be the last entry I crosspost with my LJ. I'd seen a lot of people give good reasons, which I agree with, but I'd probably let inertia reign and still keep posting over there is LJ decided my password is no good anymore, so I can't even reply to comments over there any longer. So...
2. Hidden Figures--Interesting, very well-acted, and surprisingly lacking in shmaltz. I'm shocked that it didn't get more than the three Oscar nominations it did (Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actress for Octavia Butler, though she is amazingly awesome in it). It's surprisingly blunt about both it's racism and sexism (some of it blatant and aggressive, much of it casual since it was, in fact, the institutional and cultural norm), while not feeling overwhelming or overbearing. But it's more about just how fucking brilliant these women were and how determined they were to be where they were and just DO THIS THING they believed in, their jobs.
It's also a great look at the nerdiness inherent in the space program, even as most of the world then and now oohs and aahs at the astronauts themselves. Smart people, man. We always need more smart people.
Oh, did someone say Black Sails has returned?
Oh, show, how I have missed you!
A few things:
* I watched that opening sequence so many times before the episode premiered, since they released it ages ago, and I could analyze it six ways to Sunday, including the fact that Flint is quoting from the Biblical story of Jacob and Esau, which is in direct contradiction of Thomas's quoting of the creation of Eve from Adam. If, as Thomas posits, the moral of the latter story is “Everybody needs a partner,” then surely this is Flint's philosophical response: “A partner will always try to kill you/turn others against you.” (To be fair, I think most of the Bible has a moral of “Family will fucking kill you,” but I digress.)
But as stupid as it is, the thing I loved most is, after Flint's litany of “DOOOOOOOOM,” and Silver's “If it makes you feel better, I haven't thought of killing you in months,” but Flint's muttered, “A little bit.” Awww.
* Hm, metaphor there, John? The thing that's been making you suffer, while also making it easier for you to get around the ship, almost kills you.
* I loved that Flint's first instinct really is to jump in after John, but the battle becomes too much for him to do so. Then his going through the reasons with Madi as to why he shouldn't be waiting there to see if John comes in with the last boat WHILE HE'S STANDING THERE WITH HER WAITING FOR THE LAST BOAT. (Although I question his logic and if it's more because he's trying to hide how much he cares from himself. Would the crew had thought it strange just a year or so before if he'd waited for Gates in the same situation? Would he have thought twice about obviously waiting?)
* Madi so wins this episode. Her distrust of Flint actually makes me incredibly happy. I think she and Flint are circling each other quite a lot, still trying to figure out motives even as they have a shared *cough* interest. And Madi and her “One woman” to cut through Flint and Billy's pissing contest at the end was amazing.
* The winner for most artfully placed knee goes to...Madi!
* I love Billy's beardier new look. I also love how he is done trying to pretend he remotely likes or wants Flint at the head of this little battle. But seriously, man, did you expect Flint to go easy? To NOT use the treasure, for instance?
* In another part of the story, poor Jack and his need to please Charles Vane/assuage his own guilt that Vane was captured and hanged because he was trying to rescue Jack. And I love Anne, of course, cutting through his bullshit.
The women of this show definitely specialize in cutting through male bullshit.
* There's a part of me that feels bad for Woodes Rogers. But it's a very small part. He's also just an interesting figure in history, with such a record of rise, ruin, resurrection, repeat.
Give me the next episode, please!
So, I've not been posting here regarding politics, mostly because my head is exploding over on Twitter plenty. I'm trying to keep my DW more about the things I love and don't make my head explode. So, here you are.
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