* I can stop watching the Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer any time.
Any time I want to.
* I do blame X-Men for my strange chess kink.
Have some more stills from XM: Days of Future Past, one of which fills that kink.
There's a line in one of
astolat's Smallville stories where Chloe describes Lex and Clark as becoming enemies while never actually stopping being friends. I thought it was a great description for them in that universe, but I always thought it was the perfect way to look at Charles and Erik through pretty much every universe of X-Men. They may distrust each other and disagree, they may even try (and occasionally succeed) to kill each other, but they never stop LIKING each other, at a very basic level. And for whatever flaws and inconsistencies of timelines and plots the movieverse has had, they've definitely always gotten that part right.
* New Grimm tonight! Whee!
* Speaking of return dates, they did
announce officially that Sherlock will return in the US January 19. Still no release date from the BBC on Brit airdates, but rumors are that it'll be New Years Day.
* Teen Wolf is apparently coming back January 6, as well.
* I always wonder WHY people talk to The Daily Show correspondents. I assume (as with people like Bill O'Reilly) the interviewees are convinced they are more clever than the people interviewing them, so they shall show them up at their own game, ha ha! I admit, I cannot watch their interviews, nor the special segments on The Colbert Report: It's the embarrassment squick turned up to 11, made all the worse by the fact that it's REAL PEOPLE.
That said, this gladdens my heart:
The Daily Show costs racist GOP leader his job through "gotcha" tactic of letting him talk. On the other hand, at least this guy was honest about the motivations behind the voter ID laws, and not being all "FRAUD PREVENTION!" where no evidence exists of fraud happening.
RIP, Noel Harrison. While I certainly heard "The Windmills of Your Mind" growing up, he was always, always Mark Slate from The Girl from UNCLE to me.
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