* I walked out of my house this morning to see a cop car idling at the end of our driveway. Then I realized that there was at least one other, unmarked cop car/SUV sitting in front of the house across the street, and their door was open with about 4 cops standing around talking.
I have no idea what happened, and I heard nothing this morning. This is, however, the yardstick by which my day will be measured.
My morning is going much better than the neighbors'.
ETA: Just heard it was ICE. My point stands.
* Even without the above, I'm calling the morning good so far, since I finally did the "putting words down in writing" part of the writing process on my Obligatory-Post-Reichenbach-Sherlock-Story. Everyone will have written everything by the time I finish, but I'm determined to actually finish it, now that it's finally, officially started.
Nicol Williamson died. I was just talking about The Seven-Per-Cent Solution with someone the other day.
* Non-Yuletide Story Rec of the Day:
The Lovely Couple--(Phil/Clint) Phil and Clint go undercover.
* Yuletide Story Rec of the Day:
Jurassic Park/The Losers:
Mission: Dinosaur Adventures--"Jensen couldn't decide whether he was having the best week ever, or the worst." These are not two movies I ever thought to put together, but I really enjoyed this, from the Jensen/Cougar stuff to Lex and Tim all grown up to the cameos at the end.
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