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May 28, 2009 19:05

Wow! It's been a while since I've updated! So here's what's up.

Summer movie count:
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - saw 2x. I give it about a 7.5. Am now currently obsessed with Taylor Kitsch who played Gambit. He is one sexy beyotch!
Star Trek - saw 3x! 10 out of 10! This is the best movie of the summer so far! Fun, funny and exciting.
Angels & Demons - 8.5 to a 9. Fast and exciting! Better than Da Vinci Code!!!

Going on vacation on Saturday. Walt Disney World here we come! I am so going to play up the birthday angle and get whatever I can for free!!!

Survived the layoffs a couple of weeks ago. Feel kinda lucky!

Pretty much same ol' same ol'. Watch the boy, work, see movies, sleep. And it's been pretty great!
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