Sep 11, 2004 02:22
just finished watching the extended, "raw" version of clerks. always makes me feel better. i can not wait until "passion of the clerks" comes out. i will orgasm several times in the theater. probably just to the trailer. until then, ill just keep watching all the extra's this new dvd has.
just have to say -- shaun of the dead : frickin amazing. everyone should go see it...when it comes out. suckers, i already got to see it. and i got a free button. i rule.
anyway...back to me. if you want to know whats going on, ask me. but for fun - poker.
i've been getting a lot of low pocket pairs. 1/8 chance of hitting the flop right. but theres been a lot of preflop my pocket 5's just dont look too great. its hard to tell if ive been making the right moves yet though. still waiting on 5th street. lot of mucks, so i dont know if i would have hit my miracle card.
been getting a lot of drawing hands as well. 8 9 suiteds. those hands. worth up to 6-8% of my chip stack. lot of thinking going on, still calculating odds. not sure if i can rely just on feel. always have to keep the odds in mind. hard to read the people, mike caro's been wrong a lot lately. maybe its not mike caro, i think ive just been making stupid calls and stupid folds. caro is rarely wrong, he just needs to be taken into context. as david fithe always said, "hey try to read this" as he acted like a monkey.