How Will I Know 1/1 (continued)

May 31, 2012 17:36

The only problem with Jared’s original plan was the fact that Jensen didn’t arrive home until later that evening. He’d spent the entire day out skating in the cold weather, even when snow flurries had started to fall. By the time he quit, he was nearly frozen and damp all over.

Because of that, Jensen found himself spending his Monday in bed with the worst chest cold he’d had in a long time…

“I’m pretty sure I’m dying here,” Jensen sighed, flopping back onto his pillows once he swallowed the awful tasting medicine Jared insisted he needed.

“You’re not dying,” Jared replied with an eye roll. He pulled the blanket up more around his husband and moved to pick up the medicines from the nightstand. “Maybe next time you shouldn’t go outside skating…in the middle of December…while it’s snowing…”

“Ok…ok…you have a point,” Jensen wheezed. “It was fun though. Forgot how much I enjoyed skating with Wes like that.”

Jared tensed and dropped the medicine bottles onto the floor, cursing under his breath.

“Jay?” Jensen lifted off the pillows enough to see his husband stiffen and pick up what he had dropped. “Something wrong babe?”

“Nothing,” Jared sighed, keeping his back to Jensen so he wouldn’t see the emotions flicker across his face.

“Jay…I know something’s wrong. Talk to me.” Jensen stretched his hand out and grabbed onto Jared’s so that he could tug him towards the bed. “Come lay here and talk to me.”

“You want me to lay with you but you won’t touch me,” Jared mumbled under his breath.

“Jared? What do you mean?”

Jared bit his lip before sitting down next to Jensen. Part of him was glad Jensen had heard him. “I…have I done something? Did I-I do something wrong?” Jared sat down on the edge of the bed and scooted over towards Jensen, who instinctively moved away from Jared to avoid hitting his bruises.

“What? Jay you-“

“But then why do you do this?” Jared huffed as he threw his arms up. “The second I come near you, you move away! You don’t even want to cuddle in bed! Let alone anything more! Hell, you’ve given more contact to Wes than you have me!”

“Is this about Wes? Because there is nothing between us Jay! That is over and-“

“I know,” Jared said softly. “I trust you. I…I had some…issues I guess…over Wes. But…wasn’t really because of you. But this,” Jared paused as he tried to move closer to Jensen, only for his husband to move further away, “is. Why do you keep avoiding me? What did I do? Every time I try to be with you in bed -even just cuddling-you pull away from me. I know it’s weird when I’m bigger with the baby but-“

“God no! Jay! You…you’re…this has nothing to do with the baby.”

“Then what did I do?!?”

“Nothing!” Jensen pushed himself up in bed, stifling a few coughs. “Nothing.” He cupped the side of Jared face. “I…I’ve been afraid I guess.” Jared scrunched his face in confusion. “Jay, you still have bruises and are hurt. I didn’t want to do anything that would risk the baby.” Jensen moved his hand from Jared’s face down to his belly. “That’s why I’ve been more careful.”

“But Jen,” Jared started, putting his hand over Jensen’s, “I’m fine. I’m still a bit sore but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna break. I can’t…I can’t have you pulling away. Not now…not ever honestly…”

The last part was spoken barely above a whisper, but Jensen heard it nonetheless. “I’m not pulling away from you. I-“

“Jen, you are. You may not be meaning to, but it’s what you are doing. You didn’t tell me you were worried about hurting me.”

“You’ve had enough shit to deal with. Didn’t need to add to it by making you think I was too worried or something.”

Jared sighed. “So…basically we both didn’t tell the other what was going on and we ended up here…”

“Apparently,” Jensen sighed, sneezing afterwards.

“Bless you,” Jared said, grabbing a few tissues for his husband. “I’m sorry to put all this on you when you’re sick.”

“No…I needed to know what was wrong. You should have told me sooner.”

“You too…”

Jensen just nodded. “Come here.” He gently pulled Jared towards him once more and Jared lay down beside him. “Promise not to get my snot all over you.”

“How very kind of you,” Jared laughed. He snuggled into Jensen’s side and breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m sorry I made you think I was pulling away from you.”

“I get why you did it…the part where you were worried you’d hurt me or something. But Jim cleared me for…well…things…”

“You mean sex?”

“Yes,” Jared replied with a blush. “But it wasn’t just that that bothered me. I missed this.” Jared cuddled closer into Jensen’s side and rubbed his husband’s sore chest.

“Me too.” Jensen coughed roughly. “Well…minus the part where I’m sick…”

“Again, skateboarding in the middle of December…”

“And none of this had anything to do with Wes, right?” Jensen asked softly. “You need to tell me if it did, Jay. I don’t want to hurt you. I-“

“Yes and no.” Jared leaned up on his elbow. “I…like I said, I trust you. I know nothing would happen. But…I overheard him telling you I wasn’t your type and then coupled with the way you have-“

“Jared, baby,” Jensen interrupted around another cough. “Wes means nothing to me. None of the guys who used to be ‘my type’ do.” Jensen wrapped his arm around Jared’s waist. “I want you, and only you, for the rest of my life.” He kissed Jared on the forehead and rubbed his hand against Jared’s stomach. “I plan on raising our kids together…getting a few wrinkles from them in the process of course.”

“They are your kids after all,” Jared teased.

“Exactly,” Jensen said proudly. “Watch them grow up…watch you with them. I want to be there with you on their first day of school. I want, and will probably need, you there when they get their first dates.” Jensen shuddered at the idea, earning a laugh from Jared. “I…I just want you there with me. No one else.”

“I want that too,” Jared said, his voice thick with emotion.

Jensen leaned over to kiss him, but was overcome by a ragged coughing fit. Jared helped him to sit up some and rubbed his back as he worked his way through it. The coughing eventually stopped and he fell back against the pillows. “This sucks! Sorry…I’m a total mood killer right now.”

Jared leaned over and gave Jen a kiss to the forehead. “Get some rest, babe. I’ll be back in a few with more medicine.”

“What would I do without you?” Jensen sighed as he snuggled under the covers and fell asleep.

Jared smiled fondly. “Not sure what I’d do without you…”


“Thank you so much for this, Ellie!” Jensen bounced Clary on his hip as he walked into his brother’s home. “I really appreciate it.”

“Any time, Jen.” Ellie paused in cooking dinner so she could help Jensen in with Clary and her things. She smoothed down Clary unruly hair and took her bag from Jen. “Besides, you can return the favor next weekend so Josh and I can have a night out before Christmas.” She winked at him.

“I think I can manage that,” Jensen said to her before turning back to his daughter. “Be good for your aunt and uncle baby girl?”

“Uh huh,” she replied, nodding her head. “I promise.”

“Thank you sweetheart.” He kissed her on the cheek with an exaggerated ‘MWAH’, making her giggle. “Thanks again El! I appreciate it!” He set Clary down on the ground and she scampered off to play with Aidan.

“It’s no problem.” Ellie went back to stirring the sauce she had cooking. “Jared deserves this.”

“He does. Wish I had thought of it sooner…”

“You two ok?” Ellie asked with concern.

“Yeah…I just need to make up some things for him.” Jensen sent her a wink, to which she playfully rolled her eyes. “Well, I better get over and finish getting everything ready. He should be home soon. He was just going to have dinner with his mom.”

“Have fun!”

Jensen sent her one last wave before heading back over to his place. He had everything hidden in the closet so that it wouldn’t take him very long to get it put together. He didn’t have a lot of time left before Jared would be back from dinner. But it would be worth it.

He quickly set to putting out a few candles along the hall table so that Jared would see them when he entered. He then started the fireplace in their den so that it would warm the house and add some nice, romantic lighting to the room. They rarely used the space since they never wanted Clary around the fire, but he wanted it to be perfect for tonight. He laid out a giant, thick throw onto the floor and some pillows for. He glanced at the clock on the wall before running into the kitchen. He found the strawberries, chocolate sauce, and sparkling cider he needed just as headlights pulled into the driveway. He could see Jared getting out of his car and the snow that fell around him. He rushed back towards the den to put the finishing touches on everything.

The front door opened just as Jensen settled down on the pillows. He took a deep breath and heard the clanking of Jared’s keys where he threw them into the bowl on the table…the same table that was now lined with candles. Jensen smiled to himself as he pictured Jared’s face at the sight.

“Jen?” Jared called from the other room. “Where are you?”

“Back in the den!”

A few seconds later, Jared shuffled into the room, gasping as he saw Jensen and everything he had done. “Wow…”

Jensen stood up and made his way towards Jared. “Hi,” he greeted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “So…Clary’s with Josh and Ellie for the night. I thought we could use a night to ourselves…”

“Wow,” Jared repeated. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the glow of the fireplace and candles, the sweet music playing from Jensen’s iPod dock, and the tray of chocolate and strawberries. “This is…wow…”

Jensen chuckled as he took Jared’s hand. “Come on…this is all for you, babe.” He guided Jared over to the throw and pillows. He sat down next to his husband and poured their drinks. “Here…it’s just sparkling cider…since we can’t really do Champaign.” He gestured towards Jared’s rounded belly, which was getting a little bigger each week.

“Probably a smart idea,” Jared giggled, taking the glass.

“And…TADA!” Jensen pulled over the strawberries and chocolate. “I know you always crave these.”

“You are amazing,” Jared sighed happily.

Jensen smiled. “Lay back.” He waited for Jared to do as instructed. He then dipped a strawberry into the chocolate and fed it to Jared. He sucked on the chocolate for a moment before biting into the fresh strawberry. He barely contained a moan as the taste mingled on his tongue. Jensen grabbed another one for him, and this time Jared did moan at the taste.

“I take it they are good?” Jensen chuckled.

“Very! Here!” Jared grabbed one and slowly fed it to Jensen.

“Mmm,” Jensen groaned. “Those are good.” He grabbed a strawberry and put more chocolate on it than before. The gooey sauce dripped down onto his fingers before reaching Jared’s lips. With a small smirk Jared took the strawberry into his mouth. He then licked the chocolate from Jensen’s fingers, sucking then gently. Jensen moaned at that.

Jen slowly pulled his hand away from Jared’s lips, cupping his face with the other. He replaced his fingers with his own mouth. The taste of chocolate and fruit on his tongue was still strong. Both moaned into the kiss.

After a few moments, Jared pulled at Jensen, urging him closer. Jensen went willingly, grabbing the pillows so that Jared’s back would be cushioned. Jared tugged at Jensen’s shirt until the man got the hint and took it off. Jared’s shirt followed soon after.

Jared’s hands settled at the waistband of Jensen’s jeans. “Jen…can we…please?” he stuttered.

“A-are you sure?” Jensen looked into Jared’s eyes.

“I’m fine, babe. I’m not hurting. I promise. We can do this. I need this. Please…”

A shiver ran through Jensen at the words and he felt the effect they had on him already. “God…ok Jay.”

Jensen quickly took off his jeans before sliding Jared’s off as well. He went back to kissing Jared as he took off Jared’s boxers. His hand started to explore Jared, working his way down to Jared’s growing erection. His hand slid over it, causing Jared to buck into the touch.

“Jen,” he moaned into his husband’s mouth. “More.”

Jensen couldn’t help but groan as well. He moved his mouth away from Jared’s with a smirk. “More I can do.” He soon placed his lips around Jared’s length, sucking and licking gently.

“Sh-shit,” Jared gasped, throwing his head back against the pillows. “J-Jense….I…GAH…”

“Shh…I’ve gotcha,” Jensen replied, pulling away from Jared.

“No…don’t stop. I-AHH!” Jared couldn’t help but cry out as Jensen started to finger him open. He hadn’t seen the lube next to them. Jensen smirked before placing his lips back onto Jared’s cock. He worked Jared open slowly and gently, nearly making him come from all the pleasure coursing through him.

“Close Jen…need you now.”

Jensen’s breath came out raggedly as he pulled his own boxers off. He prepped himself quickly with the lube and lined himself up with Jared. He started to kiss him before he pushed himself inside Jared. He gasped as Jared’s muscles clenched around him. He’d missed this more than he thought.

“I’m good, Jen. Move! Now! Please!”

Jensen’s hips bucked forward on instinct. Jared’s hands settled at his waist and urged him to continue. They fell into a gentle and loving pace. Their lips barely moved from the others and their hands caressed each other’s body. Jensen’s eventually settled at Jared’s cock, rubbing and twisting as he thrust up to hit Jared’s sweet spot.

“Shit,” Jared gasped. “Not…much…longer. Harder! There! Please Jen! Jen!” For once Jared didn’t worry about being loud. He didn’t need to. It was just the two of them and he’d never been more thankful for the time with his husband. He needed this. Needed the love and comfort moments like this brought him.

“Mmmm Jared! So close! God!” Jensen’s hips took on a mind of their own as he felt the familiar tingle of his orgasm build. He pulled his face up a little to look at Jared. His husband was writhing under him and coming undone with each thrust. He looked beautiful and it only made Jensen lose it faster.

Within seconds, the two of them came, shouting the other’s name louder than that had in years. Both were completely out of breath and blitzed beyond belief. It took a few moments for them to be able to come down from their high and for Jensen to pull out. They laid on the throw in each other’s arms, trying to catch their breath.

“Wow,” Jared eventually gasped.

“Definitely wow.” Jensen pulled Jared closer, caressing his sides. “We need to do that more often.”

“Yes…definitely yes,” Jared chuckled. “Maybe…I don’t know…in a few more minutes?”

Jensen smiled widely and looked his husband in the eyes. “Really? You can go again?”

“I can go again,” Jared assured him.

Jensen laughed once more before moving so that he was leaning over Jared. “I love you.” He bent down and started to slowly kiss Jared. Jared brought his hand sup to rub at Jensen’s back.

He couldn’t believe how perfect this moment was, and he vowed to make sure there was many more just like this.

A/N: So sorry that this took me forever to finish! It kind of got away from me. Hope you enjoyed it! I wanted finish this earlier this week but I ended up watching the Hatfields & McCoys miniseries this week (I’m from West Virginia and am actually related to the Hatfields so it was really cool to see that for me!). But I got lots of lovely prompts now for this verse and now what all I want to do with it for a while now! Thanks guys!

fic: how will i know, fic: all is fine, genre: hurt!jared, sick!jensen, verse: tattoed!jensen, genre: rps, pairing: jared/jensen, fandom: j2, genre: au

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