Gone Away Awhile 8/11

Jan 04, 2012 22:17

Title: Gone Away Awhile 8/11
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: ~9150
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 for sexual situations, MPREG, and medical/health problems
A/N: This story is based off a prompt by the amazing imogen_lily . Thank you so much for the gorgeous banner and for letting me play with this idea! I appreciate all the help and nudging sweetie!!! You are an amazing person to work with!
Summary: Jensen has it all…great job, lots of money, the love of his life…and NO kids, just the way he wants it. Everything seems perfect, until one night following a big fight Jensen comes home to find Jared has left, turning his world upside down. Four years down the line, he might finally find the answers to all his questions…in the form of two little boys who look a lot like him and Jared…

The bright sun streamed through the closed curtains and into the bedroom. It was still early, but the spring light was already shining vibrantly. It woke Jensen before his alarm could go off on the nightstand. He groaned and wanted nothing more than to snuggle back into Jared and catch another hour or so of sleep. He rolled over and tried to wrap his arm around Jared…but the younger man was not on his side of the bed.

When Jensen sat up some in bed, he could see Jared standing across the room by the full-length mirror. He was wearing a pair of low-slung sweat pants and was shirtless. He was turning slightly, checking out his bump in the mirror. His small swell had popped out to a much more pronounced bump as Jared started into his fourth month.

Jensen smiled at the sight. Jared looked amazing. The sickly pale and grey color of his skin had slowly turned into a healthier tone once again. His morning sickness still flared up every now and then, but it was nothing like it had been over a month ago, much to everyone’s relief. Jared still tired easily and didn’t always feel up to doing as much as he normally would, but it was an improvement.

Jensen lay there staring at Jared for a moment before he couldn’t take it any longer. He climbed out of bed and slowly crept up behind Jared. He snaked his arms around Jared’s waist, letting his hands rest on Jared’s stomach. He nuzzled gently at Jared’s neck before pressing a kiss there. “You’re up early, babe.”

Jared twisted slightly to press a kiss to Jensen’s lip. “Fell asleep really early last night…couldn’t sleep anymore.”

“Did you sleep ok though?” Jensen unconsciously ran his hand over Jared’s bump.

“I did…but the baby starting moving around this morning.” Jared smiled up at Jensen.

“She did?” Jensen asked, returning the smile.

“What are you gonna do if Alona tells us it’s a boy today?” Jensen just huffed. “Fine…yes I’m starting to feel the baby move more. Nothing major but it’s there. Was easier to notice it this time. Took longer with the twins.” Jensen just looked down at Jared’s stomach, as if expecting something to happen. It made Jared’s grin even wider. “You are really enjoying all this aren’t you?”

“Aside from you feeling so sick…yeah…I think I am,” Jensen replied sheepishly. “Didn’t know I would…this much you know?”

“You never got to see it go this far before, Jen.”

“I know…but even before I was never as excited starting out I guess.”

“You know what it’s like to have your own kids now…it makes a big difference.” Jared leaned back into Jensen’s body.

“I noticed.” Jensen nuzzled Jared’s neck once more. “Thank you for coming here…for moving here and giving me this.”

“You should have had it all along.”

“Maybe…but I’m just glad I have it now. Have the twins…the new baby…you.” Jensen pulled Jared even closer but didn’t move to have them facing. “So happy to have you back. Missed you so damn much.”

“God…I missed you too, Jen.”

“Hated not waking up with you in the mornings. Hated not having you close.” Jensen slowly moved his hand from Jared’s stomach down until it was teasing at the waistband of Jared’s sweats. Jared pressed back harder into Jensen, silently urging him on. Jensen smiled against Jared’s neck before sliding his hand underneath the waistband. Jared groaned at Jensen’s soft touches and continued to press back against him. He could feel Jensen’s own desire building against him.

“Bed?” Jared gasped and he shook against Jensen.

“D-definitely,” Jensen breathlessly replied. Jensen started walking backwards until the two of them hit the bed, falling onto each other. They started kissing while their hands frantically moved around the other’s body. Jensen was about to pull his sweats off when the bedroom door crept open. Both Jared and Jensen pushed apart before the twins could come into view. Jared quickly threw the blankets over top of the two of them so that his sons wouldn’t notice anything.

“H-hey,” Jared stuttered as Dimitri came into the room. Jared was surprised to see him without Remy. His son looked upset and sleepy. “What are you doing up so early?” Jared reached over the edge of the bed and pulled his son up and onto his lap.

Dimitri snuggled against his dad, adjusting carefully around Jared’s bump. Dimi had been taking the pregnancy news better than Jared had expected. He had even taken to sitting along side Jared with his little ears pressed to Jared’s stomach, as if he could somehow hear or feel the baby. Jared never had the heart to tell him he wouldn’t hear the baby until the little one was born, and he silently hoped that the baby would move soon for Dimi.

But right now, Dimi wasn’t having anything to do with Jared’s stomach. Instead, he was actually trying to move away from it and further into Jared’s side. Jared had to pick him up and move him to get him to stop, all the while ignoring the looks Jensen sent him for continuing to lift their son when he was supposed to watch how much he lifted.

“Baby? What’s wrong?” Jared asked Dimi softly. He ran his hand through his son’s messy hair as he sniffled slightly.

“Remy’s being mean,” Dimitri finally admitted quietly.

“That’s not like him. What did he do, sweetheart?”

Dimi shook his head and tried to hide into Jared’s side. Jared had to move him again, this time placing him in the middle of the bed between him and Jensen.

“What’s going on kiddo?” Jensen asked just as softly. He ran his hand up and down Dimitri’s back.

“R-remy said…you wouldn’t…wouldn’t love us any more.”

Jared was taken aback by the comment and felt his heart drop. “What makes him think that, Dimi?” Jared continued to run his hand through his son’s hair.

Dimitri turned his eyes away and down towards the bed. He toyed with the sheets before answering. “He says you will love the baby more and us less.”

Jensen and Jared’s eyes met above their son; each looked concerned. “Want me to go talk to him?” Jensen asked Jared.

“No…I’ll go.” Jared leaned down to Dimitri first though. “Listen to me kiddo…just because you’re going to have another baby in the family…that doesn’t mean I will stop loving you. That will never happen, Dimi.” He pressed a kiss to his son’s forehead. “Things will change a little when the baby comes, but that never will sweetheart.”

Dimitri looked up with tears filling in his eyes. “Promise?”

Jared smiled softly before offering his pinkie finger to his son. “Promise.” His smile grew when Dimitri wrapped his tiny finger around Jared’s. “Now…why don’t you stay in here with Jen while I go talk to Remy…ok?”

Dimitri looked up at Jensen. “C-can we watch Babar?” His puppy dog eyes were out in full force and still watery.

Jensen grabbed the remote from the nightstand and turned it onto the Disney channel while Jared climbed out of bed. Jensen picked up Dimitri and let him lay out against his chest. Dimi seemed to be calming, but was still a little upset. Jared hated to leave him, but he knew he needed to take care of his other son at the moment.

Jared grabbed a t-shirt before heading out of the bedroom and down the hall to the twins’ room. He barely pushed the door open, and he could tell Remy was still curled up in his top bunk. With a sigh, Jared walked over and climbed up the steps to sit next to him. He places his hand on Remy’s back. “I know you’re awake kiddo…you can stop pretending.”

“I’m asleep,” the little boy protested, not thinking about the fact that talking was disproving that until it was too late. “No fair,” he mumbled when he realized his dad had gotten him to talk.

“Sorry, buddy,” Jared replied. He rubbed his son’s back. “Come on…you want to tell me what’s going on?”

“Nothin’.” Remy tried to burrow and hide in his pillows, but Jared gently stopped him.

“Rem…I know something’s going on.” Jared lifted his little boy and set him down on his lap. Remy tried to struggle away from him, especially when he brushed up against Jared’s stomach. “Come on kiddo…what’s wrong?”

Remy stayed stubbornly quiet, only sniffling a few times.

“Ok…well…you want to tell me why you think I won’t love you after the baby is born, sweetheart?” Remy tensed in Jared’s hold, which only made Jared hold onto him tighter and hug him close. “Because that will never happen, Rem.” He pressed a kiss to his son’s head.

“B-but…it will! It did for Jake…”

“Baby…Jake’s daddies still love him.”

“No…they only love his brother! He said so! They don’t play with him any more…and they-“

“Remy…when new babies come, they do need a lot of attention. Which sometimes means daddies and mommies can’t always play as much as they used to…but it doesn’t last forever. Just until everything is adjusted. And that definitely doesn’t mean you or Remy will be loved any less than what you are right now. I will always love you…so will Jensen. You and your brother…I never thought I could love someone as much as I love the two of you. That is never going away.”

Jared felt Remy slowly start to lean into his touch, still sniffling as tears built up. “So…you won’t like the b-baby more than u-us?”

“I will love all three of you with all my heart for as long as I live, sweetheart. That I can promise you. All of you will be my babies…even when you are as old as me.”

“I’m s-sorry I was mean to Dimi.”

“Don’t you think you should tell him that, Rem? He might need to hear it too.”

“Ok.” Remy didn’t move from Jared’s hold at first. Instead, he carefully pressed his hand to Jared’s bump. Jared didn’t dare move away; it was the first time his son had done it. “And…I’m sorry, baby.”

Jared felt tears sting at his eyes at the gesture, but he held them back. Instead, he climbed down from the bunks and gathered his son in his arms, hugging him close. “Daddy loves you, Rem.”

“Love you too, Daddy.”

With Remy safely tucked into his arms, Jared made his way back to the bedroom he shared with Jensen. He found Dimi and Jen curled together watching TV. Both looked up as soon as Jared came into the room. He placed Remy onto the bed next to his brother and then climbed back under the covers himself.

Remy looked sheepishly down at the sheets for a minute before he looked up at his brother. “Sorry Dimi…”

Dimi grabbed his brother and gave him a little hug, showing he accepted the apology, before turning his attention back to the TV. The family stayed on the bed watching cartoons for a while and relaxing. They knew they’d have to get up soon to get the twins ready for school, but both Jared and Jensen were enjoying the quiet.

“Daddy?” Remy asked, breaking the silence.

“Yeah, Rem?”
“Will…what will the baby call J-jen?”

“What do you mean kiddo?”

“W-will…will he call Jen daddy too?”

Jensen looked with wide eyes over at Jared. Jared seemed much calmer and was able to answer his son. “Well…since you guys already call me that, we’ll probably teach the baby to call me that too once he,” Jared looked over at Jensen, “or she is able to talk.”

“What will Jensen be called them?” Dimitri chimed in, his attention no longer on Mickey and his friends.

“Don’t know, buddy,” Jared continued. “There are lots of other names he could be called…Papa…Da…Pop…”

Both boys giggled a little at the last name on Jared’s list.

“You guys like that last one, huh?”

“It’s fun,” Dimitri said around another little laugh.

“I like it,” Remy added with a big smile.

“You do huh? Pop Jen…” Jared looked over at Jensen, who was making a bit of a face at the name. “Has a nice ring to it,” Jared teased with a smirk.

Jensen was about to protest the name when Remy spoke up again. “C-can we call you that too?”

It was quiet for a beat before Dimitri spoke up softly as well. “Please?”

Jared knew it wasn’t his place to answer, so he just looked at Jensen. Jen was shocked at the request. He’d grown closer to his sons in the five months he’s known them, but he didn’t ever expect this. “Y-you want to call me Pop?”

“Please?” they asked in unison, still barely above a whisper.

Jensen started to smile. “Of course you can,” he said, feeling emotions start to clog his throat. Maybe it wasn’t that silly of a name after all…


“Calm down,” Jared said around a laugh as he glanced over at Jensen.

“I am calm…”

“Jen, you’re bouncing your leg so much that I’m waiting for it to disconnect from your kneecap and fly off.”

“Sorry…never did like doctor’s offices…”

“We aren’t even in a doctor’s office…”

Jensen had managed to cajole Danni into lending some equipment to Al so that she could set up a little office in her cabin for Jared. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it was all they would need until Jared delivered the baby. She had her own smaller equipment she had brought with her…a blood pressure monitor and other little tools. Danni had lent her a fetal heart monitor, a portable ultrasound machine that looked almost like an oversized laptop, and a few other things. Alona still had to send blood work and all to the hospital or Danni’s clinic to have it tested, but everything else was all there in a sterilized room in the cabin.

“So just calm down, Jen.”

“Jared’s right,” Alona said as she walked in, wearing her white lab coat. “Can’t have you hyperventilating on us now. Whatcha gonna do in the delivery room if you’re this bad just waiting on me to do an ultrasound?”

“I’ll be fine…”

“You’re so gonna be one of those guys who passes out,” Alona laughed. She ignored Jensen’s sulking and put on her gloves so she could turn her attention towards Jared. “So how are you doing, sugar?”

“Better,” Jared sighed. “Not getting as sick as much. Just every so often now…and only if I’m around certain things.”

“Good…that’s definitely better.” Alona grabbed the tape measure to measure Jared’s stomach. “You’re getting bigger now…that’s good for the baby. You’re about average size for eighteen weeks. That’s a big improvement, hun.” She traded the tape measure for the blood pressure cuff. She wrapped it around Jared’s bicep and started the machine. It beeped a few seconds later. “Hmm…it’s a little higher than I’d like to see.” She continued to look at the numbers. “Have you been experiencing any headaches or shortness of breath?”

“A few headaches…”

“What does that mean?” Jensen asked nervously.

“Well…right now it could mean a lot of things. Jared could just be a little stressed or nervous right now; that can affect it. Or it could be the start of something more serious. Right now, the best thing to do is to probably just continue to monitor it and make sure Jared’s stress levels stay low.”

“Can do that,” Jensen sighed.

“Can you stop talking like I’m not in the room?” Jared huffed from his spot on the exam table.

“Sorry, babe,” Jensen said with a blush.

“How about we see if your little one will let us know what gender it is, Jay? That sound good?”


Alona grabbed the equipment for the ultrasound and set it up. Jared flinched as the gel was spread out onto his stomach. “I know it’s cold…”

“It’s ok,” Jared mumbled. It was worth seeing his baby on the screen. Jensen was beside him, already holding his hand. After a second, a soft noise echoed through the room. “Heartbeat?”

“Yep,” Alona replied with a smile. “Sounds strong, Jare.” She moved the little wand around and pressed around Jared’s stomach some. “And…it looks like you’re getting your girl after all, Jen.”

“We are?” Jared stuttered out.

“Yep…there she is.”

Both Jared and Jensen looked at the image on the screen in astonishment, both silent for a few moments until Jensen broke it. “Told you it was going to be a girl.” His voice lacked any teasing; it mainly held a sense of awe.

“You did,” Jared replied, smiling at his husband.

“And she looks good, you two. I’ll print off a picture for you then you can be on your way. Like I said, we’ll keep an eye on your blood pressure. If you start to feel off or really out of breath, call me right away. Don’t just brush it off. Got it?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good.” Alona cleaned Jared off and handed him the picture before sending him back out of the cabin.

“You should have let me drive us,” Jensen sighed as the cool spring air blew around them.

“I’m fine, Jen. It’s not that cold out and it isn’t more than a ten minute walk. And I have a sweatshirt on…I’m fine.”

Jensen glanced at the hoodie Jared was wearing. It was starting to become one of the few things that actually fit him well now. “You are going to have to go shopping soon.”

“Probably,” Jared replied, less than thrilled.

“You don’t like having to get pregnancy clothes? It just means the baby is developing and-“

“No…I love that the baby is getting bigger. I don’t mean that. I just…I’ve never really shopped for pregnancy clothes.” Jared cast his eyes to the ground as he continued to walk back to the ranch house.

“What? But you had to have gotten bigger with the twins and-“

“And I couldn’t exactly afford to go buy those type of clothes. I ended up just buying a couple sizes up in regular clothes at some discount shops. I wasn’t working at the school then. All I had was the hotel salary…and most of it was going to things for the twins.”

“I didn’t know.” Jensen wrapped an arm around Jared’s waist and pulled him close to his side as they walked. “But you don’t have to worry this time around. I’m here to help in any way…including financially. You are my husband…”

“I’m not much of one…”

“Hey,” Jensen spun so that he was facing Jared, “you are.” Jensen looked him in the eyes to show how much he meant that. “Again, past is the past. We’re together again and I want to be there for you.”

“Thank you,” Jared replied softly.

“Besides…you need clothes to show off how hot you still are! Come on! At least get something that fits a little better for tomorrow night so I can show off how great you look…”

“I don’t know, Jen. All your coworkers will be there and they all know I left you and I-“

“Stop worrying, Jay.” Jensen pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I don’t care about them. You and I made peace with what happened, and that’s what matters. So…just go out and get the clothes and we’ll have some fun tomorrow night…”

“It would be nice…to you know…have a night to ourselves before the baby comes.”

“Damn straight! We could even get my parents to watch the twins for the whole night…” Jensen pressed close to Jared and kissed him on the mouth this time.

“Mmm,” Jared moaned into the kiss. “I like the way you think.” Jared pushed closer to Jared as they entered the house. He was about to suggest they take things back up to the bedroom now that the twins were at school when Jensen’s cell phone went off.

Jensen grumbled at the offending ringing and grabbed it quickly. “Damn it.” He clicked it on. “This better be good Gen.” Jared couldn’t hear what she said in reply but he could see Jensen look annoyed. “Damn it…I’ll be there in twenty minutes…”

“Have to go in?” Jared asked after Jensen hung up.

“Yeah…one of our clients is having some trouble with the new equipment we set up with them. I’ve gotta go in and do damage control. And I really wanted to take you out to get those clothes with you…and you know…other things…”

Jared blushed but tried to quickly recover. “Isn’t a big deal. I can go on my own.”

“Or…you could go with Mack and-“


“Come on! You two can’t go on avoiding each other forever.”

Jared bit his lip and looked away. Mackenzie had been his best friend before he had left. She was just as much his sister and Jensen’s. Since having come back to Texas, he had been avoiding seeing her as much as possible. He may have been forgiven my Donna and Alan, but he knew Mack was incredibly protective of her big brothers, especially Jensen.

“I don’t know, Jen. She won’t want to go.”

Before Jared even realized what Jensen was doing, the man was dialing his sister’s number and asking her to pick Jared up to take him shopping. Jared could hear her grumbling a little before agreeing at Jensen’s prodding.

“There…all set.”

“She didn’t want to go, Jen.”

“Well…you two need to suck it up and talk.” Jared looked hurt and scared at the idea of it though. Jensen pulled him in for a hug. “I’m sorry, babe. I just…I want you two to try. You were close before…”

Jared nodded against Jensen’s chest. “When do I need to pick her up?”

“She’s coming to get you in about thirty minutes.” Jared just nodded. “It will be ok. I love you, Jare.”

“Love you too…and don’t drive like an idiot just to get to the office.”

“I promise.” With that, Jensen gave Jared one last kiss before leaving him alone.

With a sigh, Jared sat down on the couch to wait for Mack. His thoughts were racing so much that the buzzing of his phone startled him. He hadn’t realized the half hour had already passed. He had a text message from Mack, saying she was outside in the car for him. With another weary sigh, he grabbed his wallet, where Jensen had no doubt put a credit card into, and hurried out to meet her. He silently climbed in the car, trying to send her a smile as he sat down. She didn’t return it.

Jared knew this was already off to a bad start and it made him feel sick to his stomach. Mack pulled out of the driveway and started driving towards town. Jared sat stiffly in the seat, trying to figure out how to make things better. In the end, it was Mack who broke the silence.

“Don’t think this fixes everything…I’m just doing this ‘cause Jen asked me. I’m still mad at you…”

Jared nodded sadly. “I know. I can’t blame you.”

“Damn right! What you did…”

“I know,” he replied, trying to keep his voice strong. “I hurt your brother and I’ll always regret that.”

Mack scoffed and continued to look straight ahead at the road.

“And…I hurt you,” Jared continued softly, making himself look at his sister-in-law. “I never meant to do that. I-“

“You left…you left and then didn’t talk to me for nearly five years. You were supposed to be my best friend…my brother.” Jared could see tears in her eyes.


“Why did you do that to me?” Now that she had started talking it seemed as if the gates had been open and she couldn’t stop. I was pregnant and I needed you as my friend.”

“So was I Mack!” Jared bit his lip. “I was pregnant and I was scared to death! I shouldn’t have left, but it was what I thought I had to do at the time. I didn’t think Jensen would react well…you know how he was about kids.”

“That’s not a good enough reason to leave!”

“You weren’t there Mack!” Jared snapped back at her. “You weren’t the one he argued with about it! He tried to be nice to you about your pregnancy. The night before I learned of mine…he pretty much said our marriage would be over if I wanted kids.”


Jared ran a hand over his face; he hated drudging up such a sore subject from the past. “He didn’t want kids Mack. I don’t know…I used to think it was because he was scared with all the miscarriages. And it might have been. But he had told me that night, after the dinner, that we would hate each other if we had children…that he would hate me.”

“But he…he wouldn’t.”

“But he said he would. He was just pissed and it scared me, especially when Danni told me I was pregnant the next morning.”

“I…I didn’t know,” Mack softly replied.

A silence stretched uncomfortably in the car until it was too much to bear and Jared spoke up again. “Look, I ran…and I shouldn’t have. I never wanted to hurt him, or anyone. I never wanted to hurt you. I loved you like a sister. You…you have always meant a lot to me.”

“Then why did you leave? Why not come and talk to me?!? I could have helped!”

“I know that now, Mack! But then…I was three months pregnant; worried I would lose the baby and my husband one way or the other. I was scared shitless! I mean, weren’t you worried when you learned you were pregnant? Remember that and multiply it by about a hundred…”


“I didn’t want anyone to be disappointed if I miscarried again. And I didn’t want to see Jensen hate me if I didn’t. Didn’t want anyone to hate me. But I screwed up…made a mistake…and now you will always hate me…”

“This would be easier if I hated you.” Mack suddenly pulled off to the side of the road and turned to face Jared. “God…I’ve wanted to hate you for the last five damn years. And now you’re back and have my nephews and I want to hate you for keeping me from them. But all I am is pissed at you for doing it. I still can’t hate you, and I’ve wanted to. But all I ever did was miss having my brother there! You missed Ally’s birth…”

“She’s beautiful. Your mom brought her by to meet the twins.”

“The twins are too…”

“Thank you,” Jared replied. “I never wanted to leave…I shouldn’t have…”

“Damn right you shouldn’t have…”

“I…I know I don’t deserve it…but I hope you’ll give me a second chance. I…I don’t want to keep avoiding you. You’re too important to me and Jen to do that. I want the boys to get to know their aunt and baby cousin.”

“I can’t believe you were farther along than I was…”

“Boys also came early.”

“Jen said that you had a lot of complications.” Jared nodded. “I wish I could have been there…that you let me.”

“Me too…”

“God this sucks!”

“Yeah,” Jared huffed. “It really does.” With a shaking hand, Jared reached over and took Mack’s; he felt it was a small win when she didn’t pull away. “Can…can we start over?”


“Mack I-“

“Too much history to just start over. But…I would like to try to pick up where we left off. No more hiding shit from me…”

“I can do that.”

“Good…so where am I going again?”

“Oh…” Jared cleared his throat to get rid of the lingering emotions. “Um…I need something to wear for tomorrow night. Jensen has some work party thing and he asked me to go with him. I just don’t have anything that really fits anymore…”

“Ok…where did you used to go to get your suits? I can just go there.”

“Well,” Jared started in confusion, “ I can’t exactly go there now.”

“Why not?” Mack asked just as confused.

It was then that Jared realized that Jensen hadn’t told his sister the type of clothes Jared had needed. Mack didn’t know. “Shit…I’m gonna kill, Jen!” Mack’s brow furrowed. “Um…well I promise I wasn’t trying to keep this from you. I didn’t want anyone to know until recently and I thought Jensen had told you…”

“What’s going on, Jay?”

Jared took her hand and guided towards his chest. He then moved it downwards so that she could feel the way his stomach distended. Her eyes widened and she quickly moved to lift up Jared’s bulky sweatshirt. She gasped at his bump and touched it.

“Ah! Your hands are freezing!”

“Sorry,” she giggled. Gone was the anger and edge from early. Instead, Jared could see the hints of his best friend…the little sister he had left years ago. “How far?”

“About eighteen weeks.” Jared scratched at the back of his head. “Um…a couple weeks after Jensen found me…we uh…well…you know…and weren’t that careful so…”

“Not surprised…you two were always worse than horny teenagers when Jen came back from trips.” Jared blushed at her words. “But seriously, are you ok? Jen said you had problems with the twins.”

“I’m ok. Had a lot of severe morning sickness during the first trimester, but it isn’t as bad now. Now I just have to watch my blood pressure. Other than that…I’m doing great. And so is she.” Jared put his hand over Mack’s on his belly.


“Just found out this morning.” Jared sent her a big smile. “You ok with all this?”

Mack nodded with a small smile of her own. “So you need pregnancy clothes?”

“Yeah…I’ve never shopped for them. Couldn’t afford to with the twins. But I’ll need at least a good suit for tomorrow…”

“Oh you’ll be getting more than just that if I have a say in it. Think I know just the place…”

Jared didn’t dare protest, not when she was smiling and talking a mile a minute about the different types of clothes and things he would need for the next few months. If it meant she was talking to him and enjoying her time with him, he’d let her talk him into the whole damn store…


In the end, Mackenzie had talked Jared into some new jeans, casual pants, button downs, sweaters, and t-shirts to go along with the dark grey suit and light blue dress shirt. It was more than Jared had wanted to get, but Mack had insisted and he hated to tell her no when she was having so much fun. Plus he knew Jensen would like all of it on him. And judging by the way Jensen was currently looking at him in the suit, Jared was pretty much right about that.

“Damn,” Jensen gasped as Jared walked down the stairs in the new suit. It was tailored perfectly to fit around Jared’s growing stomach yet still sit snugly against his hips and slender shoulders. The sight definitely took Jensen’s breath away.

“Daddy! Pop Jen said a bad word,” Remy said, coming up to hug at Jared’s legs.

“Think we can forgive him this time,” Jared chuckled, look at Jensen’s gaping expression.

“But he said da-“

“And don’t you even think about repeated it, buddy,” Jared chastised.

“Yes, Daddy…”

“That’s better munchkin.” Jared knelt down and gave each of his sons a hug. “You ready to go spend the night with Nana and Granddad?”

“Yeah!” they both replied. The twins had really taken to their newfound grandparents.

“Ok… how about we get going then?” Jensen said, still looking Jared up and down. He ushered the twins out towards the car and grabbed the little duffle bags for their overnight stay. The dogs barked excitedly, thinking they were going along for a ride themselves. Jared scratched them behind the ears before leaving to follow Jensen. It didn’t take long to drop the boys off with their grandparents.

After the twins were out of the Impala, Jensen leaned over and pressed a passionate kiss Jared’s lips. They were both breathless when they broke apart. “Do…we really…have to go…to the party?” Jensen panted.

“Yes,” Jared sighed. “Your company sponsors this foundation and everyone is going…”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Jensen muttered, thinking Jared wouldn’t hear him, as he pulled back into traffic to head to the elegant hotel hosting the event.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Jensen bit his lip before answering. “Tom will be there…”

“So…it isn’t like you guys don’t work together.”

“Yeah, but I’ve been avoiding him at work…”

“God…please tell me you aren’t still pissed at him?”

Jensen blushed and didn’t answer. He had told Jared awhile back about his argument with Tom over the twins.

“Jen…he was just looking out for you.”

“But he basically called-“

“No he didn’t. He just said that it had been years and was worried.”

“He shouldn’t-“

“I know…but he did. And he was just worried about you. He didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Jensen pulled in front of the hotel so he could hand the keys over to the valet. He then moved around to help Jared out of the car. Before they entered the hotel, Jared pulled Jensen close. “Just talk to him,” he whispered in his ear. Jensen didn’t reply; instead he just walked into the ballroom where the event was already in full swing. Jensen easily spotted Gen off by the bar chatting up some bartender and started to go that way, but Jared pulled him towards the other direction…where Mike and Tom were standing.

“Jared!” Mike said enthusiastically as they approached. “Good to see you, kid! Missed your mug around these things.” Mike pulled Jared into a hug, instantly noticing Jared’s stomach. His smile broadened. “Can see you two didn’t waste any time.”

Jensen and Jared both blushed, but Jared composed himself quicker. “Shut up, Mikey…and it’s good to see you too, man.”

“You really gotta come ‘round more now! I mean, hell, I haven’t even gotten to meet your rugrats yet and you’re having another one!”

“Yeah,” Jared replied a little shyly. He glanced over at Tom, who was standing a little awkwardly behind Mike, avoiding Jensen. Jensen was pretty much doing the same. Jared noticed Mike had seen them too.

“Hey, Jay, why don’t we go find some grub over there by the bar and catch up?”


“That sounds good,” Jensen said, starting to follow.

“Oh no! You’ve gotten time with your boy and now I want to catch up with him,” Mike teased, gently pushing Jensen back. “Besides, think you need to catch up with that one over there.” Mike jerked his head towards Tom before leaning in close to Jensen. “He misses you…”

“Mike,” Jensen warned.

“Just talk to him…for me.”

Jensen rolled his eyes but stayed put nonetheless while Mike and Jared walked towards the bar. He looked up towards Tom, who was anxiously shifting on his feet. After a few beats of awkward silence, Tom met Jensen’s eyes. “C-congrats…”

“Excuse me?”

“I said congrats…on the new baby…”

“Oh…yeah…thanks.” Jensen rubbed at the back of his neck.

“You…you look happy,” Tom continued softly. “You and Jared...”

“We are.”

“I…I’m glad, you know?”

“No I don’t know,” Jensen huffed. “You didn’t seem to happy for me when I first told you.”

Tom closed his eyes and nodded. “I didn’t want to see you hurt again. It was bad enough the first time around.” He pauses to look up at Jensen. “It…I hated to see you that hurt. You were…are…my best friend. I just…I wanted to look out for you. I shouldn’t have said what I did. But I never meant to be mean to you…or to Jared.”

Jensen nodded and looked up at Tom. “But you were.”

“I’m sorry,” Tom replied earnestly.

Jensen was a little surprised by it. Tom hadn’t openly apologized since their initial fight.

“I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have ruined your moment. I mean…you were so excited about the twins and I was an ass. I should have worded it better.”


“Do…do you think you can forgive me?”

Jensen spared a glance at Jared talking with Mike and Gen. “Maybe.” He turned back and gave Tom a small smile. It wasn’t what he would normally have given to his friend, but it would have to do for now. He knew he would eventually forgive Tom and more on…it’s what Jared would want. But for now, it would just have to take a little while.

The rest of the event went on without much drama. Tom was nice to Jared, but Jensen didn’t participate in much conversation with the guy. Gen and Mike were ecstatic to see Jared there, and Jared enjoyed seeing them again. However, he hated these types of things. He always had. He loved participating in charity events and fundraisers, but the big balls like this just weren’t for him. He always felt out of place, even beside Jensen.

Despite that, it was nice to spend some time out with Jen away from the twins. He loved spending time with his children, but since becoming pregnant, Jensen and him hadn’t gotten to do a whole lot just the two of them. Jared had been too sick and then the twins had become closer to Jensen and wanted to tag along. Jared was thrilled the boys wanted to spend time with Jensen, especially considering how worried he had been about all of that. Yet, alone time was nice too…

Which was why Jared really wanted to head back home to their empty house…

After the speakers had gone onto stage and everything was winding down, Jared tugged on Jensen’s arm, pulling him into a kiss. It lasted longer than either had meant, and left them wanting more. They both felt too hot in the crowded space, and their clothes felt too tight.

“Can…you want to head out?” Jared asked, already going in for another kiss.

Jensen moaned against Jared’s lip before mumbling a yes to the request. They broke apart so that they could head outside. Jensen shook hands and muttered goodbyes to a few of the other guests and coworkers on his way out of the hotel. Once outside, he gave the valet his slip so the young man could go get the Impala for him.

The guy had just walked off when Jared shoved Jensen against the side of the hotel and starting kissing him again. Jensen yelped in surprise but quickly recovered and returned the kissing with just as much vigor. Neither even noticed the valet had returned until the guy gave up waiting for them and honked the horn. Jared blushed deeply at having been caught while Jensen just smirked and took the keys.

They climbed into the car and began kissing a little again while they waited in the parking lot. They probably looked like a couple of teenagers, but Jared couldn’t care less at the moment. He was just enjoying the moment.

“So…I take it you had a good time?” Jensen teased as broke apart and started up the engine.

“It was alright,” Jared replied, still blushing, with his hand on Jensen’s thigh.

“Sure seemed like you did.” Jensen smirked at him. “Never known you to be into PDA quite that much…”

Jared’s face reddened even more. “Sorry…”

“Don’t be.” Jensen took his hand in his. “You were still careful and didn’t exactly throw me against the wall when my clients were there.” Jensen laughed a little. “I was just a little surprised a minute ago…that’s all.”

“Can’t help it,” Jared sighed, still red.

“Took the words out of my mouth. I mean, with the way you looked tonight and-“

“No…I mean…I just…can’t help it right now.”


“Well…it’s just…” Jared gulped and looked down at his lap. “Hormones,” he practically whispered.

“You haven’t been too bad with them,” Jensen replied. “I mean, I remember Mack was all weepy and emotional. You weren’t. So I don’t understand…”

“Not those type of hormones, Jen.”

Jensen started to pull out onto the street and stopped at a red light. “Still not following, Jay…”

With his hand shaking a little, Jared moved Jensen’s hand towards his lap. Jensen’s eyes widened as he could feel the effects their impromptu make out session.

“Um…wow…those type of hormones…”

“Yeah,” Jared huffed. “It’s, um, just a part of pregnancy…”

“That’s a…pleasant…side effect,” Jensen said with a smirk before removing his hand and driving again. “Did this…just…well…start?”

“It’s normal in second trimester…just started not too long ago for me.” Jared was still blushing.

“D-did you have it with the twins?”

“Y-yeah…just couldn’t really do much about it.” Jensen looked up at him for a moment. “Told you…I never cheated.”

Jensen felt a pang of guilt. He had of course been with other people while Jared hadn’t, even when his emotions had been screwy as hell.

“Stop that,” Jared chastised. “You’re thinking too loud when you should be driving so we can finish things…”

Jensen couldn’t help but laugh, and the rest of his guilt was tapped back down so he could stay in the moment. “Sorry…about everything…”

“Well…I know a great way you could make it up to me,” Jared said with a small smirk and a blush.

Jensen found it adorably sexy. “We should have just gotten a room at the hotel for the night. Would’ve if I had known.”

“Once you work in a hotel…that loses it’s charm believe it or not. Home sounds better.”

“Home it is then.” Jensen navigated his way through the crowded streets, all the while watching his speed and steeling quick glances to Jared in the passenger seat. As soon as they were out of the city, Jensen ignored all the speed limits as he rushed home.

It took less time than it normally would to reach the ranch. Once the Impala’s engine was shut off and the guys were out of the car, they were practically attached to each other. Their lips were locked and their hands were roaming up and down the other’s body. It made getting into the house interesting, especially when the dogs decided to investigate the intruders. They broke apart long enough to placate the dogs and climb up the stairs to their bedroom.

Jensen gently urged Jared towards the bed. They pulled down the sheets and fell onto the mattress together. They gasped and groaned as their suits became too constricting and stuffy. It wasn’t long before they were both unfastening buttons and undoing zippers.

“God,” Jared groaned as he finally rid himself of his clothes. Both men were striped to their boxers and lying side by side kissing. Jensen moved to nuzzle and suck at Jared’s neck, sending pleasure through his body. Jared tried to press even closer towards his husband. “M-more…n-need more…”

“Shh,” Jensen soothed. “I’m getting there.” Jensen reached down to slide his boxers off before turning his attention back to Jared. He ran his hand up and down Jared’s side before slipping his hand down to removes Jared’s underwear as well. Jared all but rutted up against Jensen as the clothing fell to the floor. Jensen paused for a moment. “How…I don’t want to hurt you. Want you to be comfortable. How do you want to lay?”

“Side…back will hurt after awhile…”

“Turn over then,” Jensen said with a smirk.

After adjusting and grabbing the right supplies, Jensen started caressing Jared’s hips and working his way towards the front. At the same time, he began prepping. After a few moments, Jared couldn’t stand it and was pushing even harder into Jensen. “Patience…”

“Jen,” Jared practically whined. “Again…didn’t get to enjoy this part of pregnancy last time…”

“Got it,” Jensen chuckled. He prepared himself and slowly gave in to Jared’s request. “God…”

“Mmm,” Jared moaned in reply.

Jensen wanted to go slow and take his time, but it ended up not going as planned. Neither could last long and fell into an erratic and passionate pace. Their kisses were desperate and their touches frantic. Both climaxed within minutes, screaming the other’s name in the moment.

Jensen slid out and pressed a kiss to Jared’s neck as he wrapped an arm around Jared’s waist. His hand settled on Jared’s bump before he nudged him to scoot closer. But instead of simply lying by Jensen, Jared rubbed up against him.

“God,” Jensen groaned, already feeling himself growing aroused again. “You weren’t kidding were about the hormones were you?”

“Really wasn’t,” Jared laughed. With a wicked grin he twisted so that he was on top of Jensen, teasing at his growing desire.

Jensen returned the smile before he pulled Jared down for another kiss and pressed up into him. “Think…I could…get used to this,” he panted.


Jared awoke slowly with a groan as he felt Jensen’s hand run through his hair. He tried to curl into himself, but his seven-month pregnant stomach wouldn’t allow for it. All it made him do was groan again.

“Sorry,” Jensen muttered softly as he sat down on the couch beside Jared. “Still have your headache?” Jensen didn’t stop running his hand through Jared’s hair in a soothing motion.

“Yeah,” Jared croaked.

“Did you check your blood pressure?”

“Not yet…wanted to get more sleep to see if it was just from being tired. Baby kept kicking last night…kept me up.”

“You should have woken me up.”

“Nothing you can do, Jen.” Jared sent him a sad smile. “But thanks.”

Jensen continued to run his fingers through Jared’s long hair. He placed his other hand on Jared’s stomach. The baby kicked, causing Jensen to smile.

“Glad my discomfort is making you happy,” Jared said, even though he had a smile on his face as well.

“I’m sorry.” Jensen leaned down to give him a kiss. “I think I should stay home. Let my parents just take the boys out to the zoo.”

“No,” Jared protested. “They were excited to go with all of us. They’ll understand that I can’t…but you should still go. They’re gonna be upset that I’m not.”

“Yeah but-“

“Jen, isn’t anything you can do. I know you hate it…but I’m just gonna sleep this off then check my blood pressure. If it’s too high, I’ll call Al.”

“Fine,” Jensen sighed. “Promise you’ll call me if you start to feel worse?”

“Promise.” Jared noticed the twins coming into the room with their little backpacks already on. “Hey munchkins.”

“Baby not happy today?” Dimi asked softly. The twins had taken to saying that the baby wasn’t happy whenever Jared wasn’t feeling well and that that was the cause.

“Yeah…your sister must not be too happy, buddy. Think I’m going to have to stay here today. But I promise we’ll go back soon…all of us. Ok?”

“Ok, Daddy,” the twins sighed. They walked over to the couch and gave Jared a goodbye hug and kiss.

“Be good for Pop Jen and your grandparents.” Jared gave them a kiss on the heads.

“Just let me let the dogs out for the day and then we’ll leave,” Jensen said to his sons. “Just call if you need me, Jay.” He leaned down to give Jared another kiss and pulled the blankets up around him more. He quickly let Harley and Sadie out into the fenced in part of the yard. With one last glance at the couch, he left with the twins.

As much as Jared hated having to stay home, he was glad for the quiet. He really was exhausted and his head was killing him. He knew he should have probably checked his blood pressure first, but he was too tired. He fell back into a restless sleep as soon as the door shut.

He hadn’t been asleep for long when a loud knock at the door woke him. He blinked awake, trying to clear the fog. The pounding at the door made his headache spike and his stomach knot. He wrapped his blanket around himself and stood from the couch.

“Jen…did you forget something?” Jared opened the door. “You just…” Jared trailed off as he realized it wasn’t Jensen at the door. It was his parents…

“Jensen?” his dad, Gerry, huffed. “Always knew you’d go crawling back to him.

“What? Dad…Mom…what the hell are you doing here?” Jared tried to block the doorway, but his dad was already moving into the house. His mom was right on his heels.

“Well…we wouldn’t have to track you down if you would answer the damn phone when we call!”

“There was a reason why I wasn’t answering…I don’t want to talk to you and I am not giving you any money. How the hell you’d find me?!?”

“Now,” Sherry started, “is that any way to greet your parents?” She walked over towards her son. “That lovely landlord of yours said you’d moved back in with your…husband. The penthouse was empty…one of the security guards said he thought you two had come here. Wasn’t hard to find directions.”

“Nice place,” Gerry snorted. “No wonder you went back to the guy.

“I went back to Jensen because I wanted to be with him! For him to be with his children!” Jared stepped forward, anger welling up. When he moved to grab his dad and pull him out towards the door, the blanket fell, revealing his distended stomach.

“Well, well, well,” Gerry sneered. “Looks like our little slut of a son got himself knocked up again, Sherry.”

Sherry moved closer, pressing her hands to Jared’s stomach. He jerked away from her, but his dad grabbed his shoulders and kept him still. Jared’s movements were still sluggish from his migraine and exhaustion. Sherry rubbed her hand against Jared’s stomach again; it made his skin crawl.

“Get out,” he commanded through gritted teeth.

“Now, now,” Gerry chided. “We haven’t even gotten to tell you our news yet…”

“You’re low on money because you wasted whatever check the government sent you on gambling or alcohol or whatever the hell you are into now. You want me to just fork over whatever you want like I used to. It isn’t anything new!”

“You little shit!” Gerry tightened his grip on his son’s arm to the point of bruising. Jared tried to shrug out of his grip, but Gerry had the advantage.

“Now, Jared,” Sherry huffed, “we have news for you! Don’t start things with your father!”

Jared bit the inside of his lip and managed to jerk out of his dad’s grip finally. “What?!?” His anger was still boiling and he was sure his blood pressure had to have spiked now if it wasn’t high before. His head pounded, but he had to get rid of his parents. There was no way he would let his sons have to see them. Not when they now understood what it meant to have loving grandparents.

“Well…we found that brother of yours.” Sherry said it as if it had been some great chore instead of a mother searching for the son that had ran away at seventeen.

“You…what?” Jared stuttered.

“We know where you brother is,” Gerry added. “And…we’d be willing to share that bit of information if you gave us what we wanted. We’ll even get out of your hair…let you get back to your life.” Gerry wrapped his arm around Jared’s waist, squeezing tightly across Jared’s stomach. The muscles contracted at the harsh treatment and the baby kicked out. “Then again…seems like this little bastard likes me.”

Jared closed his eyes and fought to push down his emotions. “Get out…”

“But we can-“

“I don’t want your help. I’m not going to be blackmailed like that! Get out!”

“Don’t you care about your brother?!? You wouldn’t shut up about him when he left!!”

“I’ll find him myself…”

“I you could, you would have already,” Sherry sneered. “We just need some spending money…”

“All money is spending money with you,” Jared snapped.

“Hey!” Gerry shouted. He pushed Jared hard into the wall. “Don’t you dare talk to your mother like that! Show respect!”

“Then you should too,” Jared replied, proud that his voice didn’t shake. “Get out like I asked you to.”

Gerry’s hands were clenching and unclenching into fists. Sherry put her hand up on his shoulder. “Come on…let’s just get out of here. He isn’t going to help us…”

“Wait ‘til Jeff hears you don’t want to find him…”

“You son of a bitch,” Jared cursed under his breath from his place against the wall. He pushed off and stepped towards his dad. “You know what…he won’t believe you. I mean, hell, at seventeen he knew what pieces of shit you guys were as parents and took off! It took me longer to see that…but I do now. And you know what? Jeff will know that whatever you tell him is bullshit! Just like everything else you’ve ever said!”

Gerry’s face reddened more and more with each of Jared’s words. He never was one to keep his anger in check, and this time was no different. He lashed out, pushing Jared harder into the wall so that he actually fell against it. Jared was stunned. Before he could react to protect himself or his baby, Gerry kicked out at Jared’s side with his booted foot. Spots danced across Jared’s vision and he gasped out. Gerry brought his foot down again.

“Gerry!” Sherry shrieked.

“Shit…let’s go,” Gerry said, realizing the impact of what he had done. The two left as quickly as they had come, not bothering to check on Jared.

Jared was trying to breath through the pain in his side, but it wasn’t working. The pain was only escalading. Jared tried to curl around it, hoping it would offer some relief. When that didn’t work, he knew he needed to get up to get his phone from the couch. He needed help…

Jared forced himself to shift and brace himself against the wall to stand. But before he could, sharp pains shot from his lower back and across the lower part of his stomach, causing him to crumple back to the floor in surprise. He breathed through it, convincing himself that it was just his muscles cramping from the kick. After a few moments, he thought it was over and he could stand.

“GAH!” he cried out as the pain came once more. It started in his back, shot across his sides and moved across his stomach. He placed his hands on his belly and nearly cried out again. It was tight; skin stretched more than it should be. He tried to take a breath to calm himself but he couldn’t. All he could do was think about the hardness of his belly and the cramps assaulting it.

He needed help, and he needed it fast…

Next Chapter -->

A/N: Before you all decide to form a mob and hunt me down…I wanted to remind you that I HATE death fics with a passion and LOVE happy endings! With that being said…I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Will try for another one before I start back with classes on Tues. Thanks again!

genre: rps, fic: gone away awhile, genre: hurt!jared, pairing: jared/jensen, fandom: j2, genre: au, fanfiction

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