Broken Angel 7/?

Sep 18, 2011 16:19

Title: Broken Angel 7/?
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: ~5300
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 for violence, sexual situations, and references to non-con(but nothing graphic)
A/N: This story is based off a prompt by the amazing imogen_lily . Thank you so much for the gorgeous banner and for letting me play with this idea! I appreciate all the help sweetie!!!
Summary: Senator Fred Lehne has been brutally attacking, raping, and murdering young men for over a decade, but always evades arrest thanks to his money and power. He has everyone fooled, except one team of detectives headed by Captain Jeffrey Dean Morgan and his protege Jensen Ackles. When things become worse, Morgan goes to FBI agents Misha Collins and Jim Beaver for help. They offer it in the form of Jared Padalecki, hotshot profiler who also happens to be Jensen's boyfriend. But there is more Jared...he also happens to be the only surviving victim of Lehne's...

Padalecki…Lehne was seething with absolute rage. He’d already sent Tom on his way; the man had been most helpful in his findings. Tom had brought him Padalecki…the brat that had gotten away all those years ago. The only one he never finished. The only one who was never completely his…until now…

However, this newfound information didn’t bring the joy it should have at finding the damn kid. Instead, Lehne had a whole new problem. Jared was a criminal profiler, and it was pretty damn obvious he had offered himself up to go undercover, as yesterday’s gala showed.

With a tumbler full of scotch in hand, his eyes stayed glued to the picture Tom had left him. Jared had changed since Fred had first met him. Gone was the scrawny teenager; in it’s place stood a strong young man. He could have so much fun breaking this new Jared…if he could figure out a way to stop the little bitch from ruining his life.

He suddenly stood and flung his glass at the open fireplace. The alcohol caused the flames to flare up intensely while the glass shattered everywhere.

“Sir?” Mark Pellegrino called into the room as he poked his head through the barely opened door.

“Get your ass in here, Pellegrino!”

“Yes, senator?” Mark asked nervously. He couldn’t help the slight spark of fear that coursed through him with each step towards Lehne’s desk. Mark may have been a pretty intimidating guy, but even Lehne could set him on edge. Once he neared the desk, he could see files and pictures strung all over the surface. “I take it things didn’t go as planned with Welling?”

“Well aren’t you so damn perceptive!” Lehne turned away from the fire to face Mark. His forehead was adorned with beads of sweat and his eyes were wild with fury.

Mark’s forehead wrinkled in confusion. “I don’t understand…Tom’s always done good work. I don’t-“

“The son of a bitch did great work!” Lehne was now pacing around his office.

“Then what seems to be the problem?” Mark asked cautiously, knowing it wouldn’t do him any good to piss his boss off more.

“This!” Lehne rushed back to his desk to grab the photo. He flung it down into Mark’s hands.

“Umm…kid looks familiar…”

“He damn well should!”

“I’m sorry?”

“Name Jared Padalecki ring a bell?”

“He’s a hotshot profiler…”

“You didn’t think it wise to tell me the little bitch was a profiler?!?”

“Wait…you know him?”

“He…he was supposed to be mine when he was younger, but I was interrupted.”

Mark’s eyes grew wide. He knew what those words implied. “I didn’t realize you had one surv-I mean leave you.”

“He’s the only one,” Lehne snapped with a hint of pride in his voice.

“But how did I not know about this?”

“He was one of my first…before you came onto my team. His brother worked on my campaign. The whole family came out for one of the fundraisers. That’s how I met him. The boy didn’t realize what he was turning down when he said no to all my advances…I had to show him.”

“But he got away?”

“I was interrupted! We were on our way to my cabin. I had pulled over for a minute. Thought there was a cop outside. The son of a bitch bolted when I went to check. Ended up searching the forest for him for hours, but I never knew what happened to him…until the other night.”

“The other night?”

“Seems his little boyfriend has him working on the case…he was undercover at the gala.”

“Shit! Senator…that’s not good! We don’t need some-“

“It will be fine!”

“Fine,” Mark huffed. “I’ll make sure I take care of Pad-“

“No! You don’t touch him!” Lehne barked. He snatched the photo back from Pellegrino and held it between his sweaty fingers. “He’s gonna be all mine…”


Jensen’s knee bounced absently as he sat in the corner of the office. He fingered and fidgeted with a pair of headphones while his eyes lingered on Jared, who was busy suiting up for the night. He had traded his normal hoodie and jeans combo for a pinstripe suit and a matching tie. Once again, his hands were shaking as he tried to fix the knot. Jensen stopped fidgeting in his chair and made to get up to help him, but Misha beat him to it.

“Here, Jay,” Misha said calmly. He was much calmer on the outside than Jensen currently was. He straightened Jared’s clothing out, letting his hand settle on Jared’s shoulder. He leaned up to whisper in Jared’s ear. From his place across the room, Jensen couldn’t hear what was said. But he could see the way Misha’s hand lingered and how Jared smiled softly at whatever the other man said.

Jensen’s hands clenched at his sides as he continued to watch the way Misha’s hand ran up and down Jared’s shaking arms, and how they reached up to adjust a piece of wayward hair. He hated every minute of it, but he kept his mouth shut and stayed in his seat. Jared didn’t need his jealousy right now…not when he was about to face Lehne again.

“Do I l-look ok?” Jared suddenly asked, drawing Jensen back to the moment and the task at hand. Jared shifted nervously in front of Jensen while his trembling hands continued to smooth down the imagined creases over the jacket.

Jensen grabbed Jared’s hands in his own and stood from his chair. “You look good, Jay,” Jensen muttered, plastering an unsteady smile to his face. He leaned up and gave Jared a kiss on the cheek.

“W-will you be here…the whole time?”

It killed Jensen to hear Jared so insecure. He’d been that way ever since all this started and Jensen learned the truth. He understood that Jared was waiting for the ball to drop, just as it had with his first boyfriend at the time. But that wasn’t Jensen and he wished he could get Jared to see that.

“Of course I will, babe. Not going anywhere.” He was about to put his hand back on Jared’s shoulder to comfort him, however Misha beat him to it yet again.

“We all will Jay! Don’t worry. We have your back. You’re going be just fine.” He clapped Jared on the shoulder and moved towards some of the equipment in the room. He snagged the pair of headphones Jensen had been fiddling with earlier and slid them on over his ears.

Jared just sent them both a weak smile before he grabbed his can. “Guess I’m ready t-then…”

“You sure you don’t want me to go in with you sugar?” Danni piped up as she walked into the room.

“Wish you could,” Jared sighed. “But the invitation was only for one. Don’t think it would look too good if I brought you in after he did that.”

“I know…but I don’t like you going in there alone.” Danneel’s usually sarcastic tone and smiling face were gone today, and they all noticed it.

“None of us want you going in there alone,” Jensen added.

“But-“ Jared started.

“That’s why he has the microphone hooked up underneath his shirt,” Misha supplied. “Let him do his job guys. Don’t worry so much. We can hear everything that’s going on in there. JD and Jim are going to be listening from the van a couple blocks away too. We’ve got it covered, Jen. So calm down so your boy can.”

The words made Jensen bristle, but he once again pushed down his own feelings in favor of staying quiet for Jared’s sake. He didn’t need an argument between his boyfriend and friend before going in there.

“Misha’s right guys,” Jared softly said. “Don’t w-worry so much.” He couldn’t help the waver that crept into his voice. Jared wanted nothing more than to be calm and strong, yet he felt like he was about to fall apart at the seams. He took one last breath before giving Jensen a hug and heading out to the car.

He drove in silence along the busy roads that led to the Regent. A steady stream of cars was headed towards the massive hotel alongside of the Crown Vic the police department had supplied. It wasn’t that original, but at least it didn’t look too much like the standard police car. It would have to do.

After a few tense minutes of navigating the streets, Jared pulled into the already packed parking lot. A few news vans were mixed in amongst the more expensive models. Jared’s heart sank as he saw a small bus off to the side with the youth center’s logo on it.

He took a deep breath and climbed out of the car. He joined the others mingling outside of the doorway and soon found himself shuffling past them with his cane. The Regent’s lobby was vast and filled with posh furniture. Everyone seemed in awe around him. Jared just felt as if his skin was crawling. The feeling only intensified when he felt a hand settle against the small of his back.

“Tristan, my boy! So good to see you!” Senator Lehne’s sickly sweet voice was right at his ear and sent a chill through his whole body.

“Senator,” Jared replied. He turned to face the man and plastered on a smile. “Thank you so much for extending the invitation for tonight’s gala.”

“Of course! Having men like you on my side is always a pleasure,” Lehne lied with a grin. He couldn’t let Jared know he was on to him. Not yet at least. What fun would that be after all?

“Uncle Fred!” a boy called from off to the side. He looked to be around twelve or thirteen. He was still too young for Lehne. But Jared glumly noted that the boy would soon fit the profile of Lehne’s victims. In a few years, it wouldn’t surprise Jared at all if Lehne advanced onto the kid. The idea strengthened Jared’s determination to end this all before any of it could happen.

“Hey Isaac,” Lehne greeted the boy. “I want you to meet my new friend Tristan. He used to play basketball…think you can talk him into going to the center one day?”

“That would be awesome!” Isaac said excitedly. The boy went on and on about basketball and other sports for awhile. Jared took it all in stride and tried to act engaged.

“Why don’t you run along and get some food with the other boys,” Lehne finally suggested to Isaac. “I’ll work some more on getting Tristan to come see you again…”

Isaac smiled and headed back to his friends, leaving Jared alone with the senator once again.

“Well, how about you step out and get some air with me, Tris?”

A shiver ran down Jared’s spine, but he didn’t let it show. “If you would like sir.”

“I would like that very much.” Lehne’s hand crept back to the small of Jared’s back and rubbed circles. It took all the profiler had to not squirm away from the touch. Instead, he allowed Lehne to guide him to a small balcony off to the side. A security guard greeted the senator pleasantly and opened the door for them both.

“Thank you,” Jared said softly as he stepped out into the cool night air. The wind blew at his hair, making the neatly combed locks fall into his face.

Lehne turned so that his back was to the railing and he faced Jared. “Tristan,” he began softly, “I asked you here tonight for a reason.”

“Y-you did?”

“Of course! You seem like such an upstanding young man. I could use a man like you on my crew. Do you think you could possibly help me out with something?”

“Um…I’m not sure sir. I have-“

“Nonsense! It is something you could do in your free time! I need someone who would be willing to work with me at the children’s center. I manage with the children, but you seem to be able to connect with them differently. You’re young! They’ll love you…”

“I don’t know sir…I can’t exactly do the physical things anymore. Not with my knee. I wouldn’t be able to show them how to-“

“You can talk me through it and talk them through it just the same. Look, they’re good kids and could use someone to look up to. I can only do so much. This would be a nice way to give back.”

“A-and to get some more votes…” Jared mumbled.

“That doesn’t hurt either!” Lehne laughed. He pushed off the rail and stepped closer to Jared. He leaned up and brushed a strand of hair from his forehead. “Say yes, Tristan my boy?”


Jensen sat on his couch, once again shaking his leg nervously. The dogs sat on either side of him, whining and whimpering as they picked up on his anxiety. His hands absently ran up and down Harley’s back, only stopping when the front door finally creaked open. Sadie jumped up from her spot near Jensen and bounded off towards the hallway. Jensen finally heard Jared’s voice softly speaking to Sadie, and it was all he needed to move from his spot on the couch.

“Jay?” he said cautiously as he padded into the hallway. His boyfriend was squatting down near Sadie and soothingly petting her.

“Um…hey, Jen,” Jared replied tiredly. He gave his baby one last scratch behind her ears and stood. He trembled slightly in front of Jensen. Somewhere along the way he had lost his suit jacket.

“Where’ve you been?” Jensen had been worried. JD and Jeff had watched Jared leave the Regent not long after agreeing to work for Lehne at the centers. After that though, no one had any idea where he’d gone. He was supposed to have met back up with everyone at the station as soon as he was sure no one would notice where his car was headed. Yet he had never shown up and had ignored all their calls for the past couple hours.

“I, uh, just took a drive,” Jared finally said quietly. “Ended up at the park and just kinda sat there for a little while.”

“What the hell? Jared, we all thought Lehne had grabbed you or something! We didn’t know what to think! And you spent all that time sitting in the damn park when it is like forty-some degrees outside?!? How-“

Jensen cut himself off as he realized Jared was shaking even harder. He couldn’t tell if it was from his outburst or because of the cold…or because of Lehne…

“God, I’m sorry! You must be freezing!” Jensen crossed the distant between them and rubbed up and down Jared’s arms. The thin material of his shirt was cold to the touch. “Come on, let’s get you warmed up.” Jensen slowly guided Jared up the stairs and to their bedroom.

Once in the room, Jared was strangely quiet and compliant as Jensen stripped him of his frigid clothing and handed him thick sweats. The night air had grown pretty cold, much too cold for Jared to sit outside like he had done.

After Jared pulled the hoodie on over Jared’s head, he reached up to brush the hair from Jared’s face. He startled and flinched at the touch. “Baby?”

Jared blinked as if to reorient himself. “Jensen?”

“Yeah, Jare…you’re safe. Just me,” Jensen reassured as he pulled him close to his chest. Jared went willingly and burrowed into his boyfriend, sniffling softly as everything from the night came crashing down on him. Jensen had to at least breath a sigh of relief that it wasn’t as bad as it had been the first time, even if Jared was still jumpy and closed off.

It took Jared a few minutes to be able to compose himself and push away from Jensen. He kept his head down, but allowed Jensen to push him towards their bed. Jensen made him lay down and pulled the covers up over his still trembling frame. Jensen then crawled into his own side of the bed. He pulled Jared to him to show comfort and to offer warmth. Jared was stiff in his arms the whole time. “Jared?”

“I said yes…”

“Do what?” Jensen nudged Jared gently so that he could see his face.

“I told Lehne yes…”

“Oh,” Jensen sighed. “I know you did babe. I heard…through your wire.”

“He…he flirted with me. Think he thought that it was charming or something.”

“Danni and Misha had to hold me down. I tried to get up and go strangle him.”

“I wanted to throw up…thought I would…”

“I don’t blame you,” Jensen said. He ran he hand through Jared’s unruly hair once more, this time smiling when Jared leaned into the touch instead of flinching. “Let’s take a break tomorrow. We can gather up the dogs and head out to-“

“I can’t Jen,” Jared sighed. “Misha’s coming over tomorrow so we can go over some more stuff before I go to the center on Monday.”

“You’re going to the center Monday?” Jensen stopped running his hand through Jared’s hair and moved to sit up more. He stared down at Jared for a few moments, waiting for a reply.

“I said I’d start working there for Lehne…so yeah…I start Monday morning.”

“Jared, you can’t actually work for the bastard!”

“I don’t have a choice!”

“You always have a choice, Jared! You can choose to step down from this case and -“

“And then Lehne will figure out something was fishy about me and put it all together. Or he’ll go after some of those kids at the center who are nearing the right age! So no, I don’t get to choose to stand down!”


“Don’t…just…let’s just get some sleep,” Jared sighed. He rolled over and burrowed into the bed, sufficiently ending their conversation.

Jensen mentally cursed and flopped down onto his own pillows. He stared up at the ceiling, eyes trailing the cracks. He wasn’t going to get much sleep…


The following morning, Jensen found himself leaning against the wall of the hall watching the closed door to Jared’s office. Misha had shown up bright and early to get to work, just as Jared had warned. They had both shut themselves into Jared’s office and had been at it for hours.

Jensen sighed and pushed himself away from the wall. He walked the few steps to Jared’s office and knocked before letting himself in. Neither Jared nor Misha looked up at the sound of door creaking open. They were both too engrossed in the files in front of them. Misha was speaking rather quickly about one of them and Jared was hanging on his every word. It door Jensen three tries to gain their attention.

“Hey!” he called loudly.

“Oh…Jen…sorry,” Jared finally muttered. He stood from the chair and stiffly moved towards his boyfriend. He gave Jensen a peck on the cheek; it was the first sign of affection Jensen had received all day. “We’re just kinda busy.” Jared hobbled back towards his desk and took up his place in front of the files and Misha once more.

“Well, I just wanted to see if you guys need any help or wanted anything…”

“We’re good,” Misha answered for them both. “I know you’re a great detective and all, but his this is more profiling and prep work. Don’t think you’d do us much good.” Whether Misha intended for it to or not, the words came across as smug and pissed Jensen off to no end. Jared, however, didn’t seem to notice the frustration seething underneath Jensen’s skin. He was too busy reading through some more documents.

“Fine,” Jensen said rather harshly. “I’m gonna head to Chris’s. See if our little detective work can’t find something new. I’ll see you guys later.” He left the room before either of Jared or Misha could reply. He let the front door slam behind him and he didn’t even care when the Impala tires squealed as he pulled out of the driveway…

Things weren’t getting any easier for anyone involved in the case, and the coming weeks only made it all worse. Jared and Misha spent most of their free time holed up in Jared’s office discussing details and pouring over other information. Jensen wanted little to do with Misha, so he often found himself driving over to Chris and Alona’s house. Jensen and Chris would sort through their own data and files over a couple of beers. It helped Jensen to unwind and let go some of the tension, but it would all come crashing back the second he stepped foot through his own door.

Since Jared had started to spend more time around Lehne, he had become more closed off and reserved. He shied away from everyone’s touches, including Jensen. He barely spoke, unless it was to Misha about the case. He was hardly eating and sleep was anything but peaceful.

It was all taking a toll on Jared, and on Jensen. Their normally happy and easygoing relationship was now strained and tense. The thoughts of it plagued Jensen daily, causing him to down another beer as he sat on Chris’s couch yet again.

Alona’s hand fell onto his shoulder and drew him out of his thoughts. “Hey sweetie,” she said softly. She took the bottle of beer out of his hands and set it on the coffee table, being careful to avoid the various files and envelopes that littered the surface.

“Hi Al,” Jensen replied somberly. He ran his now free hands over his face before turning to look at his cousin. “What’s up?”

“You need to go home…”

“You getting sick of me too?”

“What are you talking about, Jen?” Her brow knitted in confusion.

“Jared’s sick of me…”

“Aww honey, he’s not.”

“He spends all his time with Misha and-“

“He spends his time with Misha because they’re going over stuff about Lehne. He doesn’t like talking about it; he never has. He was so much worse back when it all happened.”

“But he’s supposed to want to come to me and talk to me about it.” Jensen looked close to tears as he opened up to Alona.

“Jen,” she pulled him towards her and hugged him tightly, “did you ever think that maybe he doesn’t like to because of himself?”

“What? That doesn’t make sense…”

“Just hear me out.” She pulled her legs up onto the couch and twisted to face Jensen. “Jared has been taken with you since the minute he saw you. And considering how shy and closed off he was back then, that says a hell of a lot. He loves you so much. But…he has always carried around how Aaron reacted. That really hurt him Jen. I think he honestly is still waiting for you to think he’s too damaged. That’s why he never told you himself. I tried to get him to, believe me. He never wanted you to know. So I don’t expect him to want to have you know more than you already do now…”


“I’m not saying it’s right or good or anything like that. It’s bullshit, but it isn’t to Jared. To him, he’s protecting you from knowing. Or maybe he’s just protecting himself. He’s only talking to Misha right now about this because he has to divulge details on the case and his undercover work to him. Misha’s his work partner. But you’re his partner in everything else. Don’t forget that.”

Jensen closed his eyes and let a few tears finally fall down his cheeks. “Thanks girl.” He leaned over and gave her a kiss to the cheek. He then stood up and went to grab his keys, but Alona ran over and snatched them away.

“Have Chris drive you. You look dead on your feet.”


Minutes later, they were pulling into the driveway to Jensen and Jared’s house. “I’m gonna run in and grab that file you said you’d bring me,” Chris said as he cut the engine off. “You must’ve forgotten it earlier.”

“Shit,” Jensen muttered. “Yeah…just been a little preoccupied.”

“I know son.” Chris clapped a hand to Jensen’s shoulder.

“I’ll run up and get it. Jared should have it.” He sighed to himself as he noticed Misha’s car sitting behind Jared’s. He had hoped Misha would’ve already left for the night. He quickly unlocked the door for him and Chris. The dogs greeted them briefly. “It should be upstairs, so I’ll be right back.” He jogged upstairs and down the hall towards Jared’s office. His hand was inches from the knob when the sound of voices on the other side stopped him.

“Jared,” Misha started.

“Don’t…I’m fine. I can handle it. Just tell me what you think we should do next?”

“Honestly? I really don’t know. I’m starting to regret recommending you for this case, Jay.”

“Don’t you start too.”

Jensen flinched at the implication of those words.

“I’m not!” Misha continued. “It’s just…I knew what all he’d done to you the first time around, and I still told JD to bring you in. I shouldn’t-“

Misha never got to finish what he was saying because Jensen threw the door open and crashed into the room. He couldn’t believe it. Jared had told Misha and not him! What the hell did that say about their relationship?

“Jensen,” Jared said somewhat sheepishly. “What-“

“So he knew this whole time?”

“I don’t-“

“Don’t lie to me Jay! You told Misha about your past but you never told me?”

“I didn’t-“

“I just heard you Jay!” Jensen threw his arms up in frustration.

“Jensen,” Misha said calmly. “You don’t understand I-“

Jensen saw red for a moment and grabbed Misha by the front of his shirt. He threw the man against the wall.

“Jensen!” Jared cried out behind him. But Jensen ignored it in favor of allowing the anger coursing through him to have control.

“You son of a bitch!” he spat in Misha’s face. “You brought Jared in on this knowing what that bastard did to him?!?”

“Jensen I-“ Misha grunted as Jensen slammed him harder into the wall. “You don’t-“

“I can’t believe you!” Jensen’s face was red from the rage and emotions overwhelming him. He reared back to punch Misha, but his hand never got the chance to do the damage. Chris, who had obviously heard the commotion from downstairs, had grabbed a hold of Jensen from behind.

“Calm down now, son!” Chris pulled him roughly away from Misha, causing the FBI agent to slide to the ground.

“Let me go!” Jensen bucked and struggled to get out of Chris’s grasp. He almost succeeded a few times, but Chris managed to get him under control.

“Stop it right the hell now!” He leaned down so that he was practically yelling into Jensen’s ear. “Don’t you see what this is doing to Jared?!?” Jared was backed up against the wall across from them. His eyes were wide with tears and fear. “So calm down now, Jensen!”

Jensen took in the sight of Jared, but it didn’t help to sooth the rage in him. “How could you?” he brokenly asked Jared. “You felt like you could tell Misha, but not me? You’re supposed to love me enough to trust me with that stuff! Why couldn’t you? Do you love Misha more or something? Tell me Jay! I’m sick of this…I can’t…”

“Jensen,” Jared rasped. The tears finally started to fall from the corners of his eyes. “I…please…”

It wasn’t enough of an answer for Jensen. He allowed his own tears to fall as he shrugged out from Chris’s grasp. He left the room and started heading down the stairs. Jared took off after him, but his leg was achy from sitting for so long at his desk. “Stop! Jensen!!”

“Leave me alone, Jay.” Jensen didn’t bother turning around until Jared put his hand to Jensen’s shoulder. They were right by the front door. Jensen twisted and shoved Jared away from him. It wasn’t a hard push, but with Jared’s leg already acting up, he ended up falling against the wall.


“I’m sorry, Jay,” Jensen said as he saw the hurt look flicker across Jared’s face. “I just can’t…I…I’ll be at Chris’s.” With that, he left the house. Chris and Misha came downstairs moments later, but Jared ignored their worrying and urged them to leave his house.

Once everyone was gone, Jared slid down the rest of the way against the wall. He put his head in his hands; the first sob broke through and was soon followed by more. The dogs came over to him, nudging and licking at his arms. They sat down beside him and just let him break down. They didn’t know what else to do. And to be honest…neither did Jared…


“Tommy!” Lehne greeted as Tom cautiously walked into his office. “What have you got for me today my boy?”

“Um,” Tom replied rather unsurely, “I’ve got some more info on your profiler. I’m still not sure why you are dragging this out with him. I think it would’ve been better if you had just blown his cover sir.”

“That’s for me to worry about,” Lehne snapped before reining his anger back in. “Now, what do you have for me on our friend Dr. Padalecki?”

“Not sure how any of this will really help,” Tom sighed. “But looks like things are taking a toll on Padalecki and Detective Ackles. Ackles is spending more time away from the house. I’ve followed him on multiple occasions to his cousin’s house. He spends most of his evenings there while Jared is at home. Padalecki’s normally working with Agent Collins, but a lot of the time he’s by himself. They no longer do their normal things together either. Jensen’s been going to the coffee shop by himself in the mornings and Jared’s been walking his dogs in the park late at night alone.”

He handed over his report for Lehne to read. The senator smiled as he flipped through the pages and took in the details. “Good work, Welling!”

“Like I said, not sure how any of this will be useful, but-“

“It is…trust me…it is.” Lehne set the papers down onto his desk and walked over towards Tom. He put his hands up on Tom’s shoulders. “You’ve been doing excellent work for me. I think it is time for a bit of a reward, don’t you?”

“I’m not sure, sir. You’ve been paying me quite generously and-“

“Nonsense! You’re gone above and beyond my expectations, dear boy!” Lehne squeezed Tom’s biceps. “Now, you said you have a new husband, is that correct?”

“Yes sir…”

“How about you two take a romantic getaway next weekend to my cabin? It’s right on Breckin Lake out in the woods. It’s quite luxurious…has a hot tub and gourmet kitchen. It would be all yours for the three-day weekend. What do you say?”

“That sounds incredible,” Tom said with a real smile. He hated that he couldn’t afford a nice vacation or honeymoon for Mike. “I’ll have to check with Mike, but I’m sure he’ll be excited for it. Thank you sir!”

“Of course…it is the least I can do! Now, get back to your man and let me know what he says.”

“Thank you again!” With that, Tom left the office.

Once Lehne was sure Tom was gone, he walked back over to his desk. He picked up the report, smiling to himself. He had been patiently waiting and going along with the act. It would soon be worth it. Jared wasn’t going to know what hit him once Lehne got through with him...

Next Chapter -->

A/N: I am so sorry for the wait. Was a hell of a week at school. Will try to be better!!

genre: hurt!jared, fandom: supernatural, fanfiction, fic: broken angel, genre: rps, pairing: jared/jensen, fandom: j2, genre: au

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