May 25, 2005 23:57
lol..its like SOOO late but cant
2day was actually a good day!=
1st period
- Sound of Music (who starts singing while she makes out? lmao..n like never ending saying of "jam n bread")
- complimenting Mariohns on her boobs n poof...Mariohn!...u have awesome boobs!!!..n i would marry ur poof!
- Gabe singing the "If i were gay" song..lmao!
- playin this stupid game bout like categories (its only stupid cuz i lost..haha)
- Gabe beats me in happens..
- My emo picture taken in Paola's cam!..Mariohn n Sasha like messin up my funny
- POCKY!..lmao..mariohn..i'm not gonna get u ya obsessed w/chicago!...i love it!
(Gonna miss 1st period ppl!!!)
3rd period
- they took like the desks outta the classroom 4 some reason..oh wellz so we went 2 the library
- with jonah, karl n cristinita lookin through yearbook ONCE again
- realizin gerstman didnt give the review ..she what a bitch!.. but catherine n guillermo went 2 go get the reviews for the 3rd period ppl so it all good i
- same old same old....with jonah, karl, cristinita, peter...those ppl...
- talked crap...pockin each other (very sad)
6th period
- locker clean ups...n omg!!..since share locker with Karl was gonna pass by Green 2 give him his books...but on the way...some prank ppl turned off the lights of that entire all teachs were like..ok..alll u ppl walkin in hallways lean against the walls n then i couldnt pass by 2 greens room so was like last one 2 get 2 margolis n looked like an idiot after told her was gonna leave wellz..called him after school n waited 4 him 2 get his
- rushed creative wellz
- crap w/daniel, muhil n cassie!! them!....also eileeny n diana!!..lovez ya 2!
- lmao!.last class (i kno not 2day)..w/ cassie's chicken!..daniel explodes the egg n the liquid gets all over my hair n eye...lmao daniel!..made a good addition 2 yearbook entry!
After School
- Sleep!..i love it!
- "studied" for finals
- American Idol....CARRIE WON!!!..w00t!!! awesome
- now here..writtin at like the next mornin...cuz cant sleep..drank coffeee..oh done