Percy Jackson, Luke/Percy, PG, AU

Dec 05, 2012 22:22

Title: daring the sea
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians movieverse
Author: tigriswolf
Disclaimer: not my characters; title from Anne Sexton
Warnings: future!fic AU; movieverse
Pairings: Luke/Percy
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 220
Point of view: third
Prompt: Percy Jackson & the Olympians (movieverse or AU), Luke/Percy (&others), when he said "I'd turn to the dark side for you," he never dreamed he'd ever be faced with the choice

"What would you do for me?" Luke asks quietly one night, while they're laying on the edge of the lake, looking up at the stars.

movies begin with "p", length: 1-1000 words, rating: pg

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