Mar 13, 2009 14:37
OK, I don't think it's the Ides yet. If I remember correctly from Julius Caesar in English class, the Ides was the 15th, and Caesar was warned about the Ides on the 13th, which has happened now for two consecutive months. Read into that what you will. I believe the story of Caesar is the reason for the whole Friday the 13th superstition, giving triskaidekaphobics everywhere reason to cringe.
Two consecutive months of Friday the 13th ia a pretty rare occurrence I 'm sure. I don't have any recollection of it happening in my lifetime before now, but then again I never paid much attention to something like this. I'm surprised we didn't get hit with yet another Friday The 13th movie...not so this time. Today, Disney is attempting to revive its Witch Mountain franchise with former pro 'rassler Dwayne Johnson headlining. It seems he's pulled an Eddie Murphy regarding his career; he started off with actioners, and seems to be taking on the family-friendly projects. If Witch Mountain is a bit too painful for you to sit through, there's Miss March, a "road picture" which looks similar to last year's Sexdrive. And then, at least at my theater, they re-opened the 3-D Coraline...I'm still trying to figure that one out; perhaps the Jonas Bros 3-D concert feature wasn't doing it like The Thing That Would Not Die, aka Hannah Montana.