The Magus by John Fowles

Aug 11, 2006 03:07

"It is what I mean by being fortunate. There comes a time in each life like a point of fulcrum. At that time you must accept yourself. It is not any more what you will become. It is what you are and always will be."

"Utram bibis? Aquam an undam? Which are you drinking? The water or the wave?"

"Sooner murder an infant in its cradle then nurse unacted desires."

"Look down, you gods, and on this couple drop a blessed crown."

"What a woman tells a passionate lover should be written in wind and running water."

"Learn to smile."

"1. What is is?
If you were told its name
You would not understand.
Why is it?
If you were told its reason
You would not understand.
Is it?
You are not even sure of that,
Poor footsteps in an empty room.

2. Love is the course of the experiment.
Is to the limit of imagination.
Love is your manhood in my orchards.
The nigger lurks my thin green leaves;
The white birch wanders all your jungle.
Love is your dark face reading this.
Your dark, your gentle face and hands.
Did Desdemona

3. The Choice
Spare him till he dies.
Torment him till he lives.

5. Mr. von Masoch sat on a pin;
Then sat again, to push it in.

6. Mystery enough at noon.
The blinding unfrequented paths
Above the to frequented seas
Hold labyrinth and mask enough.
No need to twist beneath the moon
Or multiply the midnight rite.
Here on the rising secret cliff
In this white fury of the light
Is mystery enough at noon."

"He would tell you the essential part is truth, the trust two people build between their minds. Their souls."

"An answer is always a form of death."

"Being pretty is just something that's thrown in. Like the paper round the present. Not the present."

Excerps from one of the greatest books I have ever read. The Magus by John Fowles, go get your copy today. Farewell
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