Round Thirty One : Information

Jul 03, 2012 02:07

I tried to use a suggestion from everyone who left them. Be sure you are asking for you banners in the Banner Asking Post.

Also please remember you are to be making your own icons. Do not edit somebody else's icon and claim it as your own.

# All icons must be new & fit the standards of Live Journal.
# Do not upload your icons to Fanpop.
# No pre-made bases may be used. The entire icon must be new for this round made only by you.
# Please save all of your icons in the same format!!
# You may have one animated icon in your set.
# Submit your entries as a new entry to this community. Remember to join the community to do so!!
# Feel free to post on your own journal/community but don't forget to post 3 teaser icons and link here. Remember to leave the entry public until voting is up!
# Use the table provided to keep everything organized. Feel free to change the colors.
# Let me know if you want a participation banner when you post your entry.
# The tags will be entered manually by me.
# Put Round Thirty One - Movie Title - User Name in the subject of your entry.
# Everyone must post by Sunday, June 22nd by 11:59PM in the last time zone.

List of participants.

Here are the themes & categories for your movie choice. Please keep it at least PG-13. If you have any questions, comment and ask.

(10) Themes: boxed*, hair, hero, levels*, one color, negative space, scream, smirk, strength, villain.

boxed: Icon must have boxes in it in some way. It can be a big border or various blocks.

levels: Icon must have 2 or more levels in it. Example:

(5) Category: Same Cap : Your 5 category icons must be made with the same capture.

(5) Artist's Choice



boxedhairherolevelsone color
negative spacescreamsmirkstrengthvillain

CATEGORY - Same Capture

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5



round thirty one, !information