I don't update because I have a life hahahahahahahaha

Apr 24, 2004 00:38

So today I'm 20.

So now begins my 3 day birthday extravaganza
9am: 2 hour host meeting (I better be getting a piece of vanilla bean cheese cake and some happy birthday singing during this stupid meeting)

11am: back and foot massage at the Hong Kong Market. My plan at first was to treat myself to a massage at the Serenity Spa on Old Bridge Turnpike then I saw that they give cheaper massages at the Hong Kong Market.

12:30: Go with Ben to New Brunswick and get those pretty pearly white 4g plugs I have been eyeing for months. I might also get a hair cut because I don't know if I can deal with this fashion mullet that has now taken over my head.

Whenever I finish my plans in New Brunswick: Straight to the Art Library where I will try to write as much of my Barbra Kruger paper as possible. Damn the art Library for being non-circulating. Also damn my Women and Art teacher for telling us Thursday that we can turn in rough drafts Monday.

6:00: BIRTHDAY SEX!!!!! birth control is a wonderful invention.

8:00: Go to the Hibachi place on Rt. 35 where there better be lots of little onion volcanoes.

After: Kill Bill 2 possibly

Day 2 of my 3 day birthday celebration

Go to IHOP with family and some friends and get a huge plate of chocolate chip pancakes.

Go Back to Art Library and finish Barbra Krueger paper for monday.

Go to Krome to see Paint it Black and Strike Anywhere.

Day 3 of my 3 day birthday fun

9:50:Go to math

11:30: Go to Women and Art and turn in the miserable paper.

1:00: Study for Physiological Psych because the bastard hasn't put the notes up and the test in Thursday and I haven't gone/paid attention to 4 classes so I'm fucked. Scratch that Chris and I are fucked.

5:00: Go to NYC to go see SLEATER-KINNEY with Patrick (who is paying for my ticket) loose our voices and dance till our legs fall off.

This year is going to be sooo much better then last year.
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