amatomnes application

Jun 14, 2011 10:21

» Journal: buries
» Birthdate/Age: 31 May 1992 / 19
» Characters Played: N/A

» Name: Veronica Mars
» Fandom: Veronica Mars
» Reference: Here and here.
» Canon Point: 3x12 There’s Got to Be A Morning After Pill; after Veronica and Logan break up over his brief fling with Madison Sinclair.
» Gender: Female.
» Age: 19.
» Orientation:

Veronica’s romantic relationships on the show have been with males. She dated Duncan Kane for a good portion of her junior year before he broke up with her quite suddenly. She briefly dated Troy Vandegraff and Leo D’Amato. Her rather “epic” romance has been with Logan Echolls, where she dated him briefly in season one to rekindle the romance in late season two and to have an on/off again relationship during season three. She also dated Stosh Piznarski (“Piz”) during season three. She has shared one kiss with Lilly Kane, which was instigated by Lilly based on a dare back in junior year.

» Personality:
Veronica Mars, contrary to what she may say, is definitely not a marshmallow. She’s cynical and strong, determined and a fierce friend. She’s gooey on the inside but in order to pierce the centre one has to get past her many, many walls. And that's how she's not exactly a marshmallow-it's difficult to get to the centre of it all when it comes to Veronica Mars.

Veronica was once a naive, sweet girl who lacked the backbone she has now. This went hand in hand with her friendship group-Lilly Kane, Duncan Kane and Logan Echolls-as she was a part of the “09ers”, the wealthy kids of Neptune High. Not wealthy herself, she was only accepted in the group as she was dating Duncan and was best friends with Lilly Kane. This acceptance would be seen again when Veronica was dating Logan in season one and her re-acceptance back into the 09er club. However, during this time, Veronica, the sheriff’s daughter, was protected by her father’s influence in the community and her friends. After the death of her best friend Lilly, her father’s persistence of the Kanes’ guilt in Lilly’s murder and her choice to stand by his side rather than her friends saw her ostracisation from her friendship group. Thus, Veronica was the victim of taunts and pranks.

A large turning point in Veronica’s life is her rape. After that night, Veronica left behind that timid, naive girl. She believed that it occurred at the hands of the 90ers, as a way to punish her for taking the side of her father rather than theirs. As a result, Veronica decided to fight back instead of running away from her problems with her once-friends. She continued to stand by her father’s side and became fiercely determined to find Lilly’s killer. At school, the taunts continued to happen. Gradually, Veronica grew a strong backbone; this saw the end of her tears and the beginning of her fighting back verbally. She mostly employs sarcasm to deflect taunts as well as hinting at information she’s uncovered through her detective work to blackmail those who get on her wrong side.

Veronica is intelligent, having come incredibly close in scoring many scholarships over the course of the seasons, only to miss the chance by the implementation of Pirate Points and the bias towards giving points to 09er students. Veronica juggled assisting her father in his Private Investigator business as well as studying for school.

Despite her hard, cynical shell, Veronica is a good friend at heart. She cut down Wallace Fennel from a pole on his first day of school and was open to him sitting with her at lunch. She is open to helping fellow students-taunters, such as Logan Echolls, and the like-while also requesting a fee. Despite her humiliation and her public ostracism, Veronica is a good person at heart. She may charge those she dislikes more than her usual fee-as seen in season three where she charged Dick a lot of money for investigating the innocence of the Pi Sigs-but she does her job and she does it well. Despite Logan Echolls being the dominant bully during the months after Lilly’s murder, she was open to helping him prove his mother was alive-going so far as to show a softer side when he appeared at her door as she, herself, had experienced the loss of a mother, though in a different way to Logan's mother's death.

Veronica has trouble letting people in. Her easily accusing Logan of raping her during their relationship in season one implies that Veronica has difficulty trusting people and easily flips from Veronica, the girl, to Veronica, the detective. This trait of hers may also be a result of the bullying of once-close friend Logan Echolls, who used her missing-in-action mother’s alcoholism against her at many opportunities. Her mother’s abandonment may have had a great influence to this trait of Veronica’s. She’s had the most important people in her life-her mother, Duncan, Lilly, Wallace, Logan-leave her without a word.

Veronica has a black and white view of the world, as implied by her statement that the good guy (her father) stays while the bad guy (her mother) leaves. This stems from her mother’s abandonment and betrayal as she uses Veronica’s college money for her own use.

All in all, Veronica is a complicated girl. She’s still trying to figure out the parts of her life and find a balance where she isn’t constantly pushing people away and letting them in. Veronica may find it difficult to trust, but when she does, she proves to be a true friend. Her determination to solve cases and problems, to right wrongs, proves to be a hindrance to some of her relationships and a blessing to some. In conclusion, Veronica is a detective first and a girl later, which is a flaw she struggles to find a balance with.

» Appearance:
Veronica is a blue-eyed, tiny blonde, standing at 5’1”. She has long blonde hair. She dresses comfortably. Here is an image of Veronica during season three.

» Suitability: N/A.

» "amatomnes" Entry:
[ When the video clicks on, Veronica can be seen looking into the camera, her face incredibly up close as though she can look within the lens itself. She’s managed to click it on, though it takes her a moment to figure out that she is, in fact, on camera. When she steps back, she’s gotten dressed-a long sleeved, rather thin, t-shirt and jeans-and her hair has been brushed as well as one can brush it with her fingers. She’s been in a bit of a rush to find out where she is-considering the room isn’t up for revealing too much. The Camelot? She knows by the tips of her senses. This place? Nothing. Nada. Not a freaking clue. She’s far from Neptune. ]

[ She takes a few steps back, her body revealing itself to the camera, and takes a seat at the edge of the bed. Trying not to appear intimidated, though her body language-trying to curl in on herself and make herself small, her hands clasped together between her legs-says otherwise, she clears her throat loudly. She frowns slightly, then purses her lips and clicks her fingers, pointing to the collar around her neck. Her tone is somewhat sarcastically playful ] Seriously? If you want to get all kinky in the bedroom, all you had to do was buy a girl dinner first.

[ She looks around the room. ] Nice aesthetics. Anyone want to clue a girl in and tell me how the hell I can click my heels and hop off this island? I’m more for planets, myself.

» "amatomneslogs" Entry:
The last time Veronica woke up in a room that wasn’t hers, she ended up living her worst nightmare. So finding the similarities to that morning occurring at this very moment as she stretches and opens her eyes, taking in the unfamiliar ceiling, the silk sheets wrapped around her and the furniture, does nothing to deter the incredible panic swelling within her chest like a dam that’s been released. Bolting up, Veronica quickly realises how very naked she is-she takes to covering herself with the sheet and rubbing her face hard with the palm of her hand.

This cannot be happening. Not again.

Though, she doesn’t feel at all like she did that morning. She feels ... good. Sort of tingly. The kind of morning she would wake up to with Logan by her side. Running her hand through her hair, Veronica traces a path from her hairline down to her cheek, and the tips of her fingers brush something thick around her neck.

Lilly’s necklace-

Veronica tugs the sheet as she struggles to climb out of the bed. She moves as quickly as she can to the bathroom, pulling her hair away from her neck to see a rather thick looking collar in the place of Lilly’s necklace. Her fingers try to wrap around it as well as she can and tries to tug it off. When that doesn’t work, she traces the top and the bottom of it, her fingers flying all over its surface in search of a clip The surface is smooth all round.

Heart aflutter, Veronica moves back to the other room, slowly this time. She takes in the extravagance of it all. This is something she’d expect to see in an 09er house-or a better hotel than the Neptune Grand-and finding herself in here ... she’s still waiting for the punch line. “Logan?” she tries, finding her voice rather hoarse. She fears speaking louder, alerting someone to her presence while she’s still rather ... vulnerable. Wrapping the sheet tighter around herself, Veronica feels the panic rise within her, something akin to that morning, and grips her long hair tight, “Dad?”

Veronica observes the room, taking in every crevice and corner, every shade of colour and piece of furniture, cataloguing it into her mind as she spots her clothes in a corner. Moving towards the window, she pulls the curtains across and sees a city very unlike that of Neptune. Breathlessly, Veronica blinks, taking in the city below, “Veronica, it seems as though we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

what: application, where: amatomnes

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