perмιѕѕιonѕ ↔ general

Jun 20, 2011 23:26

Unsure of anything? Just hit me up-via PM, another communication we may share, or a comment in her HMD.

Veronica Mars, Veronica Mars. Doesn’t get any easier than this.


Backtagging: Hell to the yes; we’re practically married. I’m always up for backtagging. If you’re unsure, always feel free to drop me a line. I tend to feel a bit weird tagging back after a few weeks because I fear the other player has moved on.
Threadhopping: Sure, unless it’s marked private (or has a 100% unhackable note).
Fourthwalling: Not in games; happy to break the fourth wall in dear_mun-type situations.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Not particularly fond of rape or suicide-especially the latter if it’s handled wrong.


Hugging this character: Veronica’s not a touchy person, but if you’re someone she’s good friends with or even in a relationship with, she’ll be well-receiving. Other than that, she’ll most likely be awkward and make some reference to ease the tension she’s feeling-and possibly cut the hug short.

Kissing this character: Veronica’s not too hot on the kissing unless she knows you real well or she’s in a relationship. She’ll probably act awkward in a cool, calm and collected sort of way.

Flirting with this character: Veronica’s all up for the flirting.

Fighting with this character: Veronica isn’t quite skilled in fighting, though she has her taser always handy on her being. She’ll put up a fight, though.

Veronica’s pretty gifted in the verbal fighting, though. She gets irritated quickly-depending on the person and content-and will throw out as many references and cutting words as possible. As a result of her line of work, she usually uses blackmail or bits of information the other person may or may not be aware of-canonly, she’s used a parent having an affair, underage sex with a minor and lies she’s exposed against someone. She’s got a mean tongue.

Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Ask first. It’s kind of established in canon that she gets injured-few scratches, bruises, tasered-but just ask first. I’ll most likely be game for it.

Killing this character: No thanks. Unless it’s been discussed, then no. But if you’ve got an idea that involves this, just hit me up and we can talk it out.

Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure. I’m willing to go with it if it makes sense. Just ask-I’d rather have discussed it beforehand so I’m aware and can be sure to add more thoughts to my tags, if necessary. (Just want to avoid godmodding.)

Warnings: Veronica gets bitchy and fast. She also gets angry-like a bull seeing red sort of angry-and she’s not afraid to cause destruction if someone’s ticked her off to the point where she’s seeing red. She’s quite used to pissing people off, so not pissing people off? Will sort of throw her for a loop.


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