Jul 12, 2010 00:01
- 14:28 www.quincyanimalshelter.org/images/paul_cat_june2010.gif LMFAO THIS CAT'S FACES FTW #
- 14:32 @ redranger_kei Clay Aiken is kind of adorable k #
- 14:44 Trufax: The only surefire cure for loneliness is a cat repeatedly smashing her head all over you for scentmarks, all "I CAN HAS 8DDDD" #
- 15:24 @ innate_autumn /FLAILS BACK AT??? 8D;;; ♥! #
- 15:24 ...so my boycat's eye has been irritated lately, which turned out to be because he had gotten a hair stuck to it. And could not get it off. #
- 15:25 So, Being Mom, I just had to flush his eye out with water, and he then quite literally forgot why he was pissed at me two seconds later LOL. #
- 15:25 I love cats the end. #
- 23:21 So about how my girlfriend is now making my boycat dance around to Hangeng's new song and telling him that he IS now Hangeng 8D;;;; #
- 23:21 w/e I am taking my cats with me to London, ergo he IS ~*~*GOING INTERNATIONAL*~*~ (wooooo~*) #
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