A post of import that is not actually just piles and piles of crack! Be amazed.

Jun 06, 2010 19:02

I've, obviously, been thinking quite a lot about writing, of late.

And I realised something the other day that has been bothering the hell out of me ever since the realisation first hit.

See, for about as long as I have been writing for other people (this started going on ten years ago, and yes, it started all the way back on FFN XD;;;), I have had other people to write with. I spun myself out a sort of creative net, if you will.

I met people, and I made connections, and we provided one other with general moral support, and ears to listen and walls on which to bounce around ideas.

Then, so systematically and so subtly I did not even see it happening til now, almost that entire net somehow unraveled.

(Sometimes, to at least be fair, in rather fucking hilarious ways -- my particular favourite being "LAWL IMMA START SLEEPING WITH THIS OTHER GIRL EVEN THOUGH I AM SUPPOSEDLY RATHER CREEPILY IN LOVE WITH YOU AND HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS EXCEPT THEN I AM GOING TO GET PISSED AT OTHER CHICK FOR BEING A SLUT AND SLEEPING AROUND HERSELF HOW DARE SHE AND SO OBV OBV THE ONLY SOLUTION IS FOR ME TO HIT HER WTF WHY ARE YOU SUDDENLY NOT TALKING TO ME ALL I DID WAS HIT A GIRL JESUS F'ING CHRIST OHAI I KNOW I WILL WIN BACK YOUR TRUST AND PROVE I REALLY DO RESPECT WIMMINZ BY SENDING YOU PORN I IZ R GEENYUS HOORAY!" Which. Yes. Actually happened. And no. No, I did not exagerrate or make any of that up. And it will never ever not be funny to me. Actually, the best part is arguably the fact he did not just send me porn, but rather porn, an X-Men dvd, and a random-ass Beyonce cd. For absolutely no reason. A+.)

And I want one back.

Writing is, without a doubt, what I want to do with my life, yes. But I don't want to have to do it alone, and I want to be able to cheer others on just as much. And I know there are a bunch of us here who write, or want to write, and who could probably use the support, too.

So, what I'm thinking is this.

If enough people are actually interested, I could open up an original writing comm for us. The first post would be sort of like a friending meme, with a form we would fill out in the comments, so we could all get to know one another and become familiar with the sorts of things everyone writes. Then, after that, there would be a locked progress post put up every so often (bi-weekly, weekly, daily, whatever works for you!), to which we would all comment with -- you guessed it! XD;; -- an update on our progress!

By progress, I do not necessarily mean a wordcount. Wordcounts would be more than welcome, of course, but this is not a competition. Maybe you didn't get any actual writing done, but you did a lot of brainstorming instead, and came up with an awesome plot twist that you want to share. Maybe you sat yourself down with a phonebook, and finally gave all of your main characters names. Maybe you just got through a fucktonne of revision, and are really happy with how it's turning out. (Maybe, like me, you're planning to take Holly Lisle's How to Think Sideways course, and want to share something you learned!)

Or maybe you need to make a no-progress post, because you are stuck on something and need encouragement or advice. Whatever feels like progress to you, or whatever you need to make progress again. ♥

Apart from that, members would also be more than welcome to make assorted other posts, as well. Questions, encouragement, snippets of writing if you are comfortable sharing them, new plotbunnies, etc. ♥

The main thing is, this community would be a safe space. You needn't post anything you aren't comfortable with, it would obviously be low-pressure, the progress posts would be locked and your comments on them could be as vague or as detailed as you'd like, and you could lock your personal posts as you will. And, most importantly, the idea is for everyone to be supportive. The rule, first and foremost, would be that only constructive criticism is allowed -- and as you all are lovely, I'm sure that wouldn't ever be a problem at all. ♥

Again: This isn't a competition. It's a laid-back way to support one another, to offer and receive encouragement.

If we all want the same thing, why shouldn't we work together? Writing is a lonely-ass profession, but it needn't be. We don't have to be alone in this.

I don't want to be alone in this.

I want you guys with me, if you will. ♥

So, if you are interested, or know anyone who you think might be interested (feel free to pimp this around!), comment and let me know.

And we'll see where this whole thing goes.

original writing, writing

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