May 15, 2011 12:44
Picture it:
A group of people, going Somewhere in the World to Do Something Important. A group of volunteers.
They go on their volunteer trip, make a difference, and then go back home.
But the similarity to another volunteer tourists stops there.
This group goes home, and then they begin to write. They put together a book, about their experiences, about the people and animals they got to meet, about what they saw and why everyone else should care.
They sell the book, and put all the proceeds aside.
And then when there's enough, they use it to fund another trip, and start the process all over again. A new set of experiences. A new thing to work towards. A new book, and a new way to help.
Lather, rinse, repeat; hopefully with enough popularity and proceeds being raised to eventually just flat-out donate, on top of funding more trips.
This is something that I think both the physical world and the writing world need, and it's something that, suddenly, I realise I desperately want to do.
Who wants to come with me? :)♥
(Don't worry about details, at this point in time. By necessity even on my own end, the trips would be short term, so "well I would but I can't get away!" isn't so much of an issue; and they wouldn't be happening for probably at least another year, so there is plenty of time for us to fundraise and plan. I'm also open to going pretty much anywhere in the world and doing any sort of work -- I'd probably prefer working with animals or conservation, admittedly, but I wouldn't say no to an orphanage or teaching or helping to teach English or general human rights work get the idea. I've also found places with ACTUALLY AFFORDABLE volunteer tourism trips, so all in all, yes, it's totally doable, and I think we can work around any concerns you may have. Right now, I'm not looking for details or commitments; I just want a general sense of whether or not anyone might actually want to come along with me, and we'll go forward from there. ♥)
this is my hippie tag,
important post is important,
look i'm even leaving this public,
srs bsns