Kazuma's Party and Backpack

Nov 30, 2020 18:49

Name: Bishamon ♂
Species: Hitmontop (Fighting)
Level: 34
Ability: Technician (Moves with ≤ 60 base power are powered up by 1.5x)
Nature: Careful (+Sp. Defense, -Sp. Attack) (likes Bitter, dislikes Dry)
Characteristic: Alert to sounds
Size: 4'9" / 110 lbs
Egg Group(s): Human-Like
Met: 2011-05-15, New Bark Town, Lv5

Personality: Looks up to (practically idolizes) his trainer, in awe of his considerable skill. Obedient to a fault and very affectionate.

Tackle (Normal Physical) [Lv1]
Helping Hand (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Fake Out (Normal Physical) [Lv1]
Foresight (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Evolved from Tyrogue [Lv20]
Rapid Spin (Normal Physical) [Lv24]
Counter (Fighting Physical) [Lv28]
Feint (Normal Physical) [Lv33]

Name: Undine ♀
Species: Poliwag (Water)
Level: 20
Ability: Water Absorb (Water-type attacks restore HP)
Nature: Timid (+Speed, -Attack) (likes Sweet, dislikes Spicy)
Characteristic: Strong willed
Size: 1'10" / 24 lbs
Egg Group(s): Water 1
Met: 2011-05-27, Route 30, Lv3

Personality: Meek, shy, and hesitant, not to mention frightened of battle... but remarkably stubborn if she's been insulted or slighted. Kazuma's guidance is slowly helping her gain confidence.

Water Sport (Water Status) [Lv1]
Bubble (Water Special) [Lv5]
Hypnosis (Psychic Status) [Lv8]
Water Gun (Water Special) [Lv11]
DoubleSlap (Normal Physical) [Lv15]
Rain Dance (Water Status) [Lv18]

Name: Mercury ♂
Species: Swablu (Normal/Flying)
Level: 10
Ability: Natural Cure (Heals status problems when switched out)
Nature: Rash (+Sp. Attack, -Sp. Defense) (likes Dry, dislikes Bitter)
Characteristic: Good perseverance
Size: 1' / 3 lbs
Egg Group(s): Flying, Dragon
Met: 2011-07-05, Azalea City, Lv1 (egg purchased from Cecil)

Personality: Eager and energetic, always fluttering around to see new sights and do new things. Throws himself into battle with the same enthusiasm.

Peck (Flying Physical) [Lv1]
Growl (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Safeguard (Normal Status) [Lv1, egg move]
Roost (Flying Status) [Lv1, egg move]
Fly (Flying Physical) [Lv1, egg move]
Agility (Psychic Status) [Lv1, egg move]
Dragon Rush (Dragon Physical) [Lv1, egg move]
Astonish (Ghost Physical) [Lv5]
Sing (Normal Status) [Lv9]

Wanted (IC):
Wanted (OOC):

- Trainer gear
  - Change of clothes: GenIV Veteran
- Always keeps well-stocked with Potions and status-healing items, and is careful in how he uses them

Key Items


Pokédollars: 50,300 (Most recent purchase: Swablu egg from Cecil, 1,500)


Last Updated: 2011-07-17

!ooc info

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