Nov 20, 2009 21:04
- 23:06 If you are my friend, and you are Mexican, you best be handin over some tamales STAT. #
- 23:08 Took a pic of the all-day-roasty goodness, but it's quite possibly the worst food pic ever. You've been warned. #
- 23:14 Pirate von Plaidpants! @SpiderPirate4... His picture is frigging scary but he's actually a pussycat. And he's got VD! #
- 23:20 @ JemReaper YOU JERK. Worst. Mexican. Ever. #
- 23:24 @ theTpain Bahahaha! #
- 23:39 @ aquaskull I'm still partial to "'giner" or the classic "vag". #
- 07:40 I had the worst dream! It was about trolls. Not the mythical kind, the derby kind. It was horrifying. I need my VD. #
- 07:43 I love Haidy!!! She said she would bring me some tamales! I knew I had a good Mexican out there. (Unlike @JemReaper hehe) #
- 08:00 @ jessticles Oh YOU KNOW. #
- 08:02 Happy birthday and Congrats! RT @OldLippy: I outlived Jesus, I win! #
- 08:08 @ jessticles Yes actually, but they all look the same so it doesn't even matter. #
- 08:09 @ leahparke Nice! Happy birthday! #
- 08:45 I just got so much food... Spinach quiche, blueberry muffin, mocha goodness. #grayowl makes bad dreams go away. #
- 10:45 Cookin' up something fabulous for @machinegunrosie... #
- 11:01 @ machinegunrosie Some music. But only if you don't mention shrimp on twitter again :) #
- 12:16 @ Suzi_Uzi It was fun! A lot of our girls go every week but I hadn't been in like a year. Kinda good practice dodging dumb little kids :) #
- 13:10 RT @FakeAPStylebook: Use “shall” in formal propositions. Ex: I shall rock you like a hurricane, Your Majesty. #
- 18:31 CSI, leftovers, a fuzzy fuzzy poodle... Kick ass Friday night! #
- 19:20 @ sarcasticmasta @whatyouown Oh my goodness 2 unrelated people on my Twitter are in the same place! I wonder if there are more... #
- 20:56 @ ChristinaCo Okay what is okcrushit? #
- 21:17 All I need is Wallaby chocolate yogurt parfait and fresh raspberries. Seriously. Then I'm happy. Also to never see the okcrushit tag again. #
- 21:27 @ ChristinaCo No you're okay because it hasn't been going on for 6 weeks. #
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