Assignments Emailed Out

Jul 05, 2011 00:17

All assignments for the Academic Ficathon have gone out, so check your email! Please drop me a line so I know that you've received your assignment. Though I've included in your assignment what the writer you're writing your essay for thinks is worth analyzing, you shouldn't feel obligated to stick to what's on the list--write about what interests you. Secrecy is not mandatory for this exchange, so if you feel like starting a conversation with your author, go ahead. Remember that rules and FAQ are posted here.

Posting opens here on Monday, July 25, and will close on Monday, August 1. Please have your essays finished by then! Anyone who needs an extension, or thinks they will, should email me at animuswyrmis [at] gmail [dot] com. We’ll figure something out! If you have to drop out, I’ll talk to a pinch-hitter, but I’d really rather not have anyone drop out. :)

academia, admin

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