fics: Marx/Engels drabble, Rewriting the Old Language

Nov 08, 2009 15:00

I haven't written anything recently that's particularly relevant to this community, but I have actually written a couple things in the past which are totally germane and I thought I might as well post them, at least for posterity.

a drabble - Marx/Engels UST, G. set in a cold London winter, with gratuitous winks at alienation and need as Marx discusses them in his Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844

Rewriting the Old Language - BBC Merlin: modern revolutionary college students AU, PG. Where magic is persecuted like communism was in 1950s America! Featuring hippie proletariat Gwen, feminist anarchist Morgana, populist reformer Law student Arthur, and communist theorist Merlin, with Che!Nimueh and Anti-Red Uther Pendragon, President of the United States.
This fic is hyped up on academic crack, just a warning: Title and summary quote are from Gayatri Spivak's preface to Derrida's Of Grammatology. Authors who helped me make this: CLR James, Sigmund Freud, Herbert Marcuse, Karl Marx, Herman Melville, Simone de Beauvoir, Michele Foucault, Jack Kerouac, and unconsciously if not specifically Max Weber.

historical fiction, fanfiction

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