13 Things About Me -- For the_lucky13

Mar 16, 2009 13:52

01. I can see visions of the future.
02. I don't remember anything about my human life.
03. Jasper is indeed my soulmate.
04. I knew about the Cullens before I met them.
05. I refuse to let the family wear any outfit more than once if I can help it.
06. Bella is my best friend.
07. I knew about Bella long before Edward saw her in my mind.
08. I would do anything to protect my family --
09. -- even moreso to protect Jasper.
10. I sometimes think of Charlie as an uncle.
11. After Bella, Charlie is the one human I would want to keep safe.
12. As far as I'm concerned, Carlisle and Esme are my parents.
13. [[PRIVATE]] I would really like to get ahold of Maria and kill her for everything the put my Jasper through.[[/PRIVATE]]

the lucky 13

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