H/Hr Fiction Recommendations

Feb 08, 2004 00:37

Title: Snow in July
Author: SBYS
Rating: PG
Summary: Each night he'd shut himself into the darkness and quietness of the empty dorm room. His thoughts filled with the images of a girl that he would never reveal his feelings to. Until one remark turned his dreams into reality.
Notes: Fluffy piece that once you read it, you'll never forget it.

Title: Paradigm Of Uncertainty series
Author: LORI
Rating: R
Summary: Nine years after graduating from Hogwarts, Charms fellow Hermione Granger again finds herself caught up in Harry Potter's mysterious life.
Notes: Absolutely a wonderful piece of literature. Lori's stories are nothing short of brilliance. Many considered this to be their "H/H bible". Me being one of them. If there is anyone out there who hasn't read this remarkable work yet, erm, what exactly are you waiting for? run. don't walk.

Title: Beauty
Rating: PG
Summary: What does it take to make you understand the meaning of it all? Harry finally figures out the answer to the question 'why'.
Notes: Danielerin is one of the most multi-talented writers out there. She just has a wonderful writing style which you can clearly see in this piece. Although you would think that it's nothing but fluff, there's a small plot twist in there that you wouldn't expect.

Title: Closure
Author: Goldy
Rating: R
Summary: After defeating Voldemort, Harry goes with Hermione to face the Dursleys one last time.
Notes: The title really says it all - he hates them, the feeling is mutual, but its something that just needs to be done. I love that Hermione helped him through this also which goes to show how great their partnership is.

Title: Unravelings
Author: Kaze
Rating: PG-13
Notes: It was just a dare... who knew it would force them to question their entire relationship?
My take: So adorable and fluffy which you wouldn't expect from Kaze at all. One of my favorite lines is ...

“What’s been said has been said. What’s been done has been done. You’ve had me from the beginning, Harry Potter. From every adventure to every painful moment in our lives, you’ve had me and until the very end. You’ve always had me, thread by thread.”

If that alone doesn't get you to read her story, just take my word for it. Amazing piece.

Title: Taste
Author: KATE J
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Is Harry imagining things? Does he care?
Notes: You'll find nothing but some smutty goodness in all the chapters. Well, maybe except one and in that one it's nothing but fluff.

Title: One Simple Thing
Author: Demosthenes
Rating: G
Summary: As a fun Christmas assignment, Professor Trelawney teaches the class how to perform a minor vision quest with this question in mind - "What is one simple thing I would like for Christmas?" No one is more surprised than Harry as to what his vision reveals.
Notes: This fic gives me warm fuzzies. It simple and sweet and just lovely. Beautifully written, and the plot is just wonderful. And as long as you're reading this, you should read A Simple Misunderstanding which is the followup to this story. It's just as good and just as lovely.

Title: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Author: cheering charm
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Hermione lost everyone in the war with Voldemort; her parents, her boyfriend Ron and Harry, who left a week after graduation without a word. Now, five years later he has returned to Hogwarts to rebuild their friendship. Will Hermione forgive him for abandoning her? Will he tell her the real reason he left? How will the wizarding world react to the return of its favorite son?
Notes: AMAZING. This was one of the first fics I've read once I got into fandom and is still, still one of my favorite H/Hr fics. Everything is great. The plot, the characters, the sex, just everything.

Title: It's All Relative
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In the spring of her seventh year at Hogwarts, Hermione loses one dream while another comes true.
Notes: Another wonderful piece by danielerin. Everything I'll say about this would fail in comparison to what should really be said. Take my word and read it. Beautiful.

Title: Into a Darkened Room
Author: Demosthenes
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After the final battle with Voldemort, Hermione finally tells Harry that she's been in love with him for years. But when circumstances suddenly separate them, and Harry's all but ignored her and her declaration of love, what's left for Hermione? No Hogwarts, no homework and no Harry suddenly leave her feeling quite useless and rejected. When she feels she's lost everything, to what lengths will Hermione go to feel wanted again?
Notes: Everything you want in a story is in this one. Humor, angst, romance, basically the whole nine yards. A must read.

Title: There Goes the World
Author: Goldy
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Dark!Harry
Summary: He's come back for her.
Notes: Gah! What to say about this fic? I don't even know how to start since there's just so much about this that I absolutely loved. It's amazing, absolutely heart wrenching and plain and simple, BRILLIANT! The emotions in this are radiant. You can actually feel Hermione's fear at the beginning when she see's Harry, but then everything it's tempered by the hope she has of him returning to the "good side". Its a beautifully written piece and even though it's sad, it's so worth reading. And as an icing to the cake, he killed Ginny. C'mon. That alone should get you to read this fic.

Title: Grey Haven
Author: LIBBIE
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A year after losing Harry, Hermione isn't coping well..........Perhaps because she doesn't believe he died?
Notes: Beautiful piece. The plot is unique and the characters are so spot on. A very emotional story and so truthfully written. Must read.

Title: Lip Locking 101
Author: Satashi
Rating: R
Summary: Hermione teaches Harry how to kiss...
Notes: Short little ficlet that should be read because it's just too damned cute!

Title: From Me
Author: Goldy
Rating: R
Summary: When Harry pulls away from her, Hermione doesn't know how to stop it. She doesn't even know how to deal with it, because it destroys her a little more. Every day.
Notes: Yet another amazing piece from our own Goldy. This story had me from the very beginning. It tears you up to see how Harry treats Hermione, but when he realizes what he's doing and what he's about to loose it's worth it. That scene is just POWERFUL and so perfectly written. One of her best pieces.

Title: Hold That Thought
Author: cheering charm
Rating: PG
Summary: This fic was written in response to Muddgutts challenge for his House Cup picture. Story is set in first person, Hermione's pov. Short, one shot.
Notes: Fluffy piece and I absolutely I love it.

Title: Hell Hath No Fury
Author: Vicarious Leigh
Rating: R
Summary: Hermione is hiding a devastating secret from the one person she cares for most. What lengths will Harry go to in order to get the truth, and what will he do when he finds out?
Warnings: Dark!Fic.
Notes: Some will find this story very disturbing, but it's worth the read. Everything about this fic was written perfectly. This piece is just amazing.

Title: Fulfillment
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry's annual retreat. Is he being naughty?
Notes: Smut is what makes the world go round. *nods* One of the best smut pieces out there.

Title: Push
Author: Demosthenes
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dark!Fic. VERY dark.
Summary: When Harry decided to push Hermione away for her own good, he never once considered what he could be pushing her towards.
Notes: It's one of the darkest fic I've ever read. Left me uncomfortable for a while. It's bloody amazing. There's things that might squick a few people like death, murder and all that jazz, but it's soooo worth the read.

Title: Duel
Author: grnshields
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It was only supposed to be a simple demonstration.
Notes: Make sure you have your fan on because this is simply one of the hottest one-shots I've ever read. And I've read a lot. I loved the fact that their little duel left everyone stimulated. *smirks* Just go read. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Title: Unresolved
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ron is finally facing his feelings, scary though it may be. The Christmas Hogsmeade visit presents an opportunity he cannot pass up. His adventure leads him to turn a corner. A look at an R/Hr date from a confirmed H/Hr shipper.
Notes: Hilarious! Definitely a must read.

Title: A Darkened Doorway
Author: cheering charm
Rating: R
Warnings: Has R/Hr relationship.
Summary: Something unexpected happens when Harry and Hermione are on assignment in a seedy part of town. Was it a result of their surroundings? Or something more? How will they handle the fallout of their brief encounter? More importantly, how will Hermione's boyfriend react?
Notes: It's not your typical 'they kiss and shagged and forgot all about Ron' fic. That's one of the things I absolutely love about it. And there's the fact that cheeringcharm is just an amazing writer.

Title: When she Realizes
Author: Goldy
Rating: PG
Summary: My reaction to the common belief that it'll be something akin to Harry being hit with a baseball bat when he realizes his feelings. So, naturally, in light of that, I wrote a story depicting the exact opposite. What if it was Hermione who needed to be hit with a baseball bat?
Notes: Original plot and oh so good.

Title: The Game
Author: CADEY
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A game between two friends like no other
Notes: Is a cute story about a simple game that changes everything between Harry and Hermione. It's fluffy and hot and really, who could ask for more?

Title: The Power He Knows Not
Author: Vicarious Leigh
Rating: PG-13
Summary: During the summer between 5th and 6th year, what begins as an innocent flying lesson at the Burrow results in Harry's realization that something more is happening between he and Hermione. However, fast upon this realization is the mortifying thought that loving Hermione marks her as a tempting target in an unfinished battle with Voldemort.
Notes: The plot to this was very well thought out and very believable. The story just flowed. Definitely a must read.

Title: The Triumvirate of Resolve
Author: Vicarious Leigh
Rating: R
Summary: The Sequel to The Power He Knows Not, this story follows our trio through their seventh and final year at Hogwarts. A new villian, new powers, new romances, and a final showdown with the Dark Lord that leaves someone dead.
Notes: Just as good as The Power He Knows Not, if not better. It's jammed pact with action and I just loved how she finishes the story. Absolutely amazing.

Title: Afterglow
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Lying in the Hospital Wing after the defeat of Voldemort, Harry and Hermione have a conversation.
Notes: Nothing but absolute fluff. I think this kind of fluff should be a illegal.

Title: The Snitch
Author: napalmnacey
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After a drunken night of revelry, Hermione stumbles into Harry's room and shows him a brand new tattoo she had no idea she had gotten. In the days that follow, Harry cannot get his mind off the glittering tattoo on her belly. Can someone fall in love just because of a tattoo?
Notes: This is probably one of the hottest stories out there. Definitely a must read.

Title: Why?
Rating: PG
Summary: Hermione just wants to know the reasons why. She may not get the answers she wants, but in the end, it doesn't matter because she has what she needs.
Notes: One of the stories that came out during the week that all hell broke loose as a pick me upper. It's one of those "behind the scenes" fics and it's absolutely amazing. You have Hermione wondering what is it about Ron that JKR finds suitable for her and the conversation she has with her is one that we all would like to have. One of the scenes that sticks out..

"I just hate disappointing the people who really believed. They're being accused of seeing things that weren't there, but Harry, those things were there! Maybe they misinterpreted those things, maybe they were misguided, but they weren't delusional. They didn't just imagine it all, right?"

*sigh* Definitely a MUST read.

Title: O
Author: cheering charm
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Has R/Hr relationship.
Summary: He isn't supposed to make her feel this way.
Notes: Harry and Hermione definitely are an affair waiting to happen. You kind of feel bad for Ron when not even a few feet away their friends are shagging like rabbits. Kind of. Hot is probably one of the words I'll use to describe this fic.

Title: Best Friend With Benefits
Author: ELESSAR1201
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Mention of H/G and R/Hr
Summary: Hermione has sworn to make sure Harry has anything he needs...anything
Notes: What started as a way to release stress ended up being something unexpected. Hot and very sweet.

Title: Here at the End
Author: Ahn Na Blue
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The return of Hermione the Heroine. Incorporates a few of our favorite H/Hr theories. Meant to stay as close to canon as possible. Harry's got a lot of training ahead. And who will be there by his side? Hm...Who has always been there? Who fought with him at the DOM? Could it be a certain brilliant frizzy haired girl? And will he finally figure out what that means? Will he PLEASE finally figure it out? And bonus, there may be a catfight!
Notes: She's not lying when she says 'meant to stay as close to canon as possible'. She's telling the story from Harry's POV and spends time dealing with the R/Hr and H/G relationships. Stays very true to canon.

Title: Magic Never Dies
Author: Lynney
Rating: R
Summary: Seventh Year - starts immediately after HBP.
Notes: Lynney ability in writing is amazing. One of the best seventh year fics out there. I highly recommend it.

Title: Hermione Full of Grace
Author: DeliverMeFromEve
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Hermione takes on life after Voldemort with renewed enthusiasm, only to discover that unresolved issues of the heart can’t be forgotten. In her brave quest for a happier future, she meets eccentric wizard billionaire Lysander Athanasius, a suitor who seems to know exactly what she needs, and seems to raise the hackles of her dearest Harry and wayward Ron.
Notes: If you want to read UST done right, go ahead and read this fic. Really, really well written. Not to mention good.

Title: Forever Knight

Author: DeliverMeFromEve
Rating: NC-17
Summary: He had tried to move on, but he loved her so much in life that his passion for her surpassed the force of death. Harry truly believed that love knew no bounds, and he was going to make a believer out of her again.
Warnings: Work In Progress. Extreme violence and sex. but sex is always good.
Notes: I'm not really fond of Vampire!Hermione fic, but trust me, this story is absolutely brilliant. All the characters stay very true to their characters which is odd when considering fics like this one. Incredibly angsty with some smut thrown in. Which, i don't think people will mind on the latter. DeliverMeFromEve is definitely the new 'it' writer. She's brilliant.

Title: More Important Things

Author: Twitch E. Littleferret
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry begins his journey the summer before seventh year. But he faces unexpected challenges in coming to terms with Ron and Hermione's budding romance, his own relationship with Ginny and an unwanted return to Hogwarts. And most of all, the race to find the remaining horcruxes and destroy them before Voldemort can destroy him.
Warnings: Work In Progress
Notes: another take on harry seventh year. very well written and very angsty. read it. you won't regret it.

Title: Fixing Harry

Author: Lynney
Rating: r
Summary: Harry's got a bit of a problem. He's finished off Voldemort, and according to the Prophecy he should finally have a life, right? So how come he feels so lost, and why is his magic getting away from him like he's 13 years old and blowing up Aunt Marge again every time Hermione and Ron are around? It was bloody embarrassing, ... and now the Ministry is getting involved.
Warnings: Work In Progress
Notes: brilliant. absolutely brilliant. has an original idea, and it's very well written. lynney is definitely on her way to becoming one of my favorite writers. she's just absolutely brilliant.

hhr, fic rec

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